
(Zone 4a)

Just curious if the coreopsis comes in different colour or just yellow. I am referring to the one my daughter is smelling in the pic in a previous post. They flower for long and they are gorgeous. I would love to get more in different colours if they have them. TIA

Rockton, PA

I have several coreopsis, doubles, singles, tall , short, but the color choice is slim. Mostly yellow but there are some with red centers. There are some red threadleaf but I have not had great luck with them n zone 5. The coreopsis is great because they bloom such a long time. My favorite is the Nana which is a short double that I give a couple haircuts and it keeps blooming up a storm.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

There some pinks also such as Heavens Gate & Sweet Dreams. On these the colors can be lighter or darker depending on amount of sun and heat. I have one of these but forget which and lost the tag and I love it. They are both a threadleaf type so you need to provide a support hoop or keep them sheared a little shorter than full heigth or will flop in srong wind / rain.

There is also a new one called Autumn Blush which is awhole new color for Coreopsis. Sort of a peach/apricot color with dark red/burgundy color center. The pics I've seen of it are really pretty. But it is a little on the large side.

(Zone 4a)

Okay thanks for your help ladies....I didn't figure there was a big choice but I thought I would ask anyhow.

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