Canna Seed - Its Time To Collect Them

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

I just plucked about 40 seeds from my common Yellow green leaf canna, which must be self-pollinating. At any rate they are very easily gown from seeds.

My tropical canna do not produce seeds, for whatever reason.

If you see a big patch of canna in someone's yard, stop and ask if you can collect seeds and take a picture of the bloom. Many people are unaware that they will grow from seeds.

We'll swap at the RoundUp. I'm going to print a picture of my canna to put in the baggie of seeds and it would be nice if everyone did the same.


Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Judy, cannas in most cases do not grow true from seeds, altho they may look similar to the parent. The genetics will be different, so it's best not to trade them as the named parent, so as not to mess up the gene pool.

Growing cannas from seeds is best if you are hybridizing and trying to create something new and better. Otherwise, it's best just to cut the bloom stalks off when the cannas are done blooming and allow the energy to go into rhizome formation which does result in genetically the same plant.

Just an FYI from a long-time canna collector.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)


Great to see you posting and such interesting information!!! I didin't know they don't grow true from seeds.


Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Most are hybrids. So you may get some that look like the parent but genetically aren't or they may be a completely different color.

Not much else to do. I'm stuck inside still with a severe, painful kidney infection. Nothing to do til we do an IVP on the 28th and fix whatever the problem is. So I'm just biding my time...

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Now I'm more interested in growing the canna seed than before. It's the same with Brug seed so seeing what flowers are produced will be interesting. I've just read that the seeds if started early enough will result in flowers the fist summer, has this been your results also??


Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

I don't grow em from seeds. I'd rather have big healthy rhizomes. But yes, if you start them early enough, they'll bloom during the same season, depending on how fast they grow of course.

As you've noticed, some dont' produce seeds, just empty seed pods. My yellow Richard Wallace is sterile, but my Robert Kemp and Red Stripe generally produce lots of seeds, if I don't get out there and cut down the stalks.

You can start them in soil or water. How do you usually grow them.


Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

I've only grown them once before, in potting soil. My germination rate was about 50%, probably because I didn't nick the seeds or soak them overnight before I planted them.

The UPS man remarked he didn't know they would grow from seeds, etc. and wished he had some, so I plucked them all out of the seed tray and put them into a zip lock bag for him to take home. I was just seeing if I could get them to grow, didn't actually have a need for them.

I like giving plants to people, it makes them smile and that makes me smile.


Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

don't laugh , but I have something that I got at plant swap in the spring. I THOUGHT the person said it was a "red banana" . Well, it is blooming and my husband came up and looked at it and said," that looks like a red canna" ! And so it does. Hmmm, no wonder I end up with plants I sometimes don't need. It is pretty and I guess I will keep it - but GOSH DARN IT- (that is as close as I come to cussing!!!!) I wanted a red banana !!!!


Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)


You are just precious!! You make me smile and you make me laugh. If I had a red banana I would surely give it to you. Is there any such thing as a 'red banana'??


Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)
if anyone but Libby and I are interested.

This message was edited Aug 16, 2006 7:48 PM

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

There's Musa zebrina which is a bloodleaf banana like pictured below. I also have one called Absynian I think. It has red stalks and dark green leaves with red edges and veins on the leaves.

Thumbnail by ButterflyChaser
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

hey, I figured nancy ann wouldknow the scoop on those cannas as many as she has in her yard LOL. I really didn't know that about them either, so the canna indica seeds I got in a trade won't be true ha? well, darn.

that's a pretty banana, I got lots of baby pups of the mahoii double dwarf and dwarf cavendish, I wish I could get bananas off the mommas though.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Interesting thread on growing Canna seeds and when to tell if they are ripe


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