opinions of Sundog GH?

Wichita, KS(Zone 6a)

After alot of research and comparing different makes and models, I am seriously considering buying the 9x10 Sundog GH. Has anyone here owned one before?

It looks like the best value in twinwall greenhouses that i have been able to find.

Brooklyn, NY

I'm also interested in the same GH. please let me know how you like it

Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4b)

Good morning-
Just wondering. Did you ever buy the greenhouse and what did you think of it? I'm considering the same one and your feedback would be helpfull. Thanks-

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Were you the person who posted in my Sundog thread a couple days ago? If not let me know and I'll repeat what I said there. When I asked for advice on this one last year, I didn't find anyone else who had purchased it so I think I may be the only one (or one of just a few). I would definitely look at the Harbor Freight, it's also twin wall and a much better price than Sundog, and I think the quality is probably about the same. I got the Sundog because the 5' width worked much better in my space than the 6' width of the Harbor Freight, but if it weren't for that I probably would have got the HF instead.

Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4b)

Thanks for the reply. I am the same person from the other thread. I also prefer the size and shape of the Sundog ( although I am considering the traditional) and the fact that the panels are 6mm instead of 4mm. With the Habour Frieght the 6x8 is a little to small and the 10x12 is to big for my space. Sundog has a 9x7 that fits perfectly. I guess that with the lower end alluminum kits they all have one issue or another. I figure if I get the one with the better panels I can always reinforce the frame if we need to. Thanks again----

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

My advice if you get it is 1) check all the parts very carefully before you start putting it together to make sure you have the right ones--I had a couple panels they sent me that were half the height they were supposed to be, but I didn't discover it until I was in the middle of putting it together since all I had done was make sure that I had the right number of each of the numbered panels, never thought that they might have sent me ones that were the wrong size, and 2) make sure you have help putting it together--the 5x9 was very challenging for one person to do and it doesn't line up right everywhere because I didn't have anyone helping

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

I ordered the Sundog 9x12 over the Rion Giant, it's due to be delivered on Tuesday the 13th. I have several people that will be putting it up. I'll post pictures as it's being put together.


Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4b)

Thanks Awanda !
I'm going to order mine in a week or two. Just waiting for the snow to melt a little so the big truck can get in the driveway. I also will have help with the set-up. Would you mind telling who you bought yours from?

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi Jean, here is the place I got mine from http://www.4seasongreenhouse.com/sundog-large-barn-greenhouse-p-641.html
I found out yesterday they are going to deliver it on Monday!! I have a Rion now, that I'm taking down and I was able to sell it!


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