Plant swap Sept 16, Newcastle, WA

Renton, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi all! I'm going to be hosting a plant swap next month and while these are all the norm on the other gardening site, I want to invite all of you as well. I'll be holding this in my backyard and it will start about 11am. The other swaps I have been to are pot luck, so this one will be as well. Bring a dish and all your extra plants. Usually, some trades are setup before hand through threads on the other site. I'm not sure if this forum would be ok to do that or not. I'll leave it up to you to decide.

You'll go home with a lot of new plants and meet new folks, I've been to 3 and had a great time. Then I've spent days planting all the goodies people have shared from their gardens. This will be my first time hosting.

D-Mail me for directions and my cell phone in case you get lost.

See ya all there!

Renton, WA(Zone 8a)

oops sorry, typo. The swap will be the 23rd of Sept. 11am.

Shelton, WA

What if I have nothing to swap but want to get plants to take home? Starting over, so I am without a whole lot....

Renton, WA(Zone 8a)


You are welcome to come! Most everyone brings items that are truely free in that no plants in trade are needed. You'll certainly go home with new plants. I'd also recommend the Green Elephant held the first weekend of November in Redmond. There no food at that one, so anyone bringing baked items, coffee, etc can trade those for plants, though again many are free for the taking.

It is a great opportunity to learn from more experienced gardeners and see what they have planted in their yard. Everyone has been super nice too me and I've only started going last year. I've just about populated my whole yard from DG and these plant swaps.

That sounds like fun! count me in at this point. I've been rooting some hydrangea cuttings and haven't had any takers on the hydrangea thread, so maybe someone at the swap will be interested. I don't see why we couldn't work out trades in advance on this thread. How would that work? would we post a list of what we have to swap?

Renton, WA(Zone 8a)

Yes, you can post your haves and wants. Hydrangea are usually in high demand at these. I know I'm always looking for them. :) If the helleborus have arrived by then, would you be willing to bring mine to the swap?

Sure. I better call nwbulb. I did not receive a confirmation from them. I placed the order quite a while back and they faxed me a confirmation, but it was incorrect. I called them and the lady said that she would correct the invoice and fax it back, but I now realize she did not. I'll call them and confirm. Don't want to get this thread all sideways, but will you dmail me and let me know how all your plants did from that coop? I lost quite a few of mine and i can't figure out why.

Bonn, Germany

Ok, I give up, WHERE IS "Newcastle", and how do I get there, and at what time? And can I get to the one that is near auburn??

Renton, WA(Zone 8a)

Just to clarify the date for this swap is the 23rd. We'll start about 11am.

My address is:

11645 SE 88th St.
Newcastle, WA 98056

Mapquest is a little confusing on getting to my house. Once you take exit 7, you are going to go east, past Mcdonalds and up the hill. You should stay on that road for about a mile, don't turn off it, just follow its winding up the hill. You will reach a stop sign, go straight, and my house is about the 5th one. I have a large cedar fence and arbor. You can park in front of my house, across the street on the shoulder and possibly in the large turn about in my neighbors yard next to me. (I have to confirm with her)

Shelton, WA(Zone 8a)

Hoodsport, if you're coming all the way from Bonn, Germany you better start right away! :-)

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Jburesh- I went right by your house twice last weekend for work- all the way to 121st St/Ave though!! I did spy a front yard with some lovely dahlia bushes out front, but I didn't want to be so gauche as to stop and drool, though I thought about it.

Yes, Mapquest makes it sound like you're going on the great Easter Egg Hunt on 90 different roads/streets, when in fact it's just a windy road with about 5 different names that change at the curves.

Wish I could contribute or join you, but it will have to be next time.

Renton, WA(Zone 8a)

oooh, I hope that was my yard! :) If it had a cedar fence and arbor that was mine. Feel free to stop and look, some of those plants are from you after all! :)

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I am working in Seattle and would like to come. I work that day and will only have a 1to 2 hr lunch. So maybe see you all. Steve.

that would be awesome! But this is the wrong thread. The swap is actually on the 23rd, the following saturday. Still around then?

Here's the correct thread:

This message was edited Sep 15, 2006 7:48 AM

Renton, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks Pixy, I confirmed with Sofer too. :)

Oh good! That will be lovely to meet him in person!

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Now I am in trouble. hope you guys stay a while cause I won't get lunch until 1 pm to show up. I am working in Bellevue so I won't have long to drive. See ya there. I will post my plants on other site.

Renton, WA(Zone 8a)

No worries sofer, these things usually go a couple of hours. I can't imagine many people will be gone by 1pm. :)

I'll still be there. I'm looking forward to meeting you!

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Me too melissa. I'll get there around 1:15 unless the morning is slow. Though if I have an emergency I may not make it. Call me at 406-270-1964 if I don't show by 1:30. I don't have anyones phone at the swap meet.

Renton, WA(Zone 8a)

Sofer, you should have mine. Check the directions and I'll D-Mail you if you don't have it.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I thinkI do on th page you sent. It is at the motel.

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