help finding the right greenhouse

Lilburn, GA


Unfortunately i am living in a very anal retentive subdivision. If I want a greenhouse I need one that is in keeping with my property.

So, no hoop houses or handmade structures. I have to find a "fancy" one so the committee will aprove.

Can anyone help with websites where I can find one???

thank you

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I haven't bought my greenhouse yet so I don't feel qualified to provide too much advice, but I'm sure someone will be along shortly with more info for you. I know that Charleys' Greenhouse sells fancy ones so you could start there, the other thing you could do is go to Garden Watchdog and search for greenhouse vendors, that way you can at least start to get a feel for the types that are out there and the price range. I've done that and ran across some sites that had some very nice looking ones with cedar frames that I'm sure your association would approve of (of course they weren't cheap though!)

Oakland, OR(Zone 8a)

Hi Anna. I would suggest that you go to the Garden Watchdog feature, then scroll down to "Search by Catagory". They do have greenhouses as a catagory, and there are quite a vew companies that sell greenhouses all the way from the biggest and fanciest ones all the way down to the small portable ones. Good luck on your search to find the exact one you want and one that will be approved. May they be the same one. Dotti

Lilburn, GA

thank you very much peeps!

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I would also recommend after your search, if you find a few you like, post them here so that others who have experience with those models can weigh in on them--I think there are some greenhouses out there that look really nice but don't always hold up well.

Fulton, MO

No budget, right? ;-) These are some really nice greenhouses: (This may be one where if you have to ask the price, you can't afford it!)

Glass Structures carries Lord and Burnham and National Greenhouses:

Does your neighborhood or house architecture demand aluminum? Cedar? It seems that you just don't see a cedar or redwood greenhouse in the eastern US. I'm not sure why.

My $0.02: for a given square footage, or a given perimeter size, a greenhouse looks more "upscale" if it is wider. And nothing says "Botanical Garden" like glass but it will probably cost you $1-2K more. Just my opinion.

Lilburn, GA

WOW!!!! So fancy!! I just like simple ones.

I have $2000 maximum for a greenhouse. :o(

Thank you for the links.

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Anna, maybe try to see if FarmTek has anything that fits your budget/design restrictions. I get my greenhouse supplies from them and so far so good.

Keizer, OR(Zone 8a)

I found a 9x5 polycarbonate greenhouse for $800 at

Remember, the greenhouse is just the beginning, you still have to either pay someone or do it yourself to install the plumbing for water and the electrical for heating, cooling and grow lights.

I own a Solexx from the They sell many different kinds, both fancy and practical.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

On a small grhouse, I would skip the plumbing and drag a hose in there-or leave a hose there and attach to it everyday. Also I would skip the grow lights-I have 3 grhouses and I don't use them.

Lilburn, GA

thank you for the great info, peeps!

Tigerlily, do you have a nursery?

Wichita, KS(Zone 6a)


the same website has a twin-wall poly GH that is 9x7 for the same price:

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Yes Spider, I am a wholesale bedding plant ( annuals) grower. I love it!! Just started transplanting the pansies today!

Lilburn, GA

Oh Tigerlily, how lovely!!!!

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey Tigerlily,

My husband has just had a small greenhouse built for me. It is 12' x 12' x 12'. I don't know much about how things work yet but I'm trying to learn. How hot do you keep your greenhouse in both summer and winter? What type of heat do you use? I'm sure that I could learn so much from you. Is there a time that I could maybe visit your greenhouse and see how you have things set up?


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