My morning glory vine is not well.

Lake Charles, LA

I planted this Grandpa Ott Morning Glory vine late but it did its best for me until a couple of weeks ago. The leaves are spotty and the vine has only flowered once. Any suggestions for first aid?

It seems to be in a perfect placeand gets water and sunlight. I did spray it with soapy water once because of a weird orange spider thingy.
thanks in advance.

Thumbnail by ssdogwood
Lake Charles, LA

close up of the leaves

Thumbnail by ssdogwood
Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Looks like my purple bell vine after we had that horrible heat wave. All burned up and brown, just like yours. I have also gotten this look when I use the soapy water in the full sun and don't get it rinsed off and the leaves get burned. If yours is burn, only time will tell if it will overcome it. Hope it snaps out of it for you. :~)

Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

The tunneling tracks look like it might be leaf miners. Nasty little things! I can't recall what gets rid of leaf miners, but it should be easy enough to look up.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

It is leaf miners and they are easy enough to get rid of. You can go to Home Depot or similiar place and read the back of the pesticides until you find one that treats them. I do think they don't like the heat that much.

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