Tid Bits

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I feel kind of invasive here at the Farming Forum. I am a city slicker who longs for returning to the country and getting away from all the hubbub of everthing I see, hear,~smell~, and all in the city. I thought I would start or try and start a thread where everyone could jump in throw out a tip or 2 about ways to make chores easier, tasks around the farm more efficient, ect.

A tip section in the farming way of llife so to speak. I am looking to homestead before retirement age and would love to hear tricks and tips for when I get out and on my own. The Homestead Forum is full of tips and tricks, but you have to really sit down a read and read and read and well............ I only have so much (little tht is) time to sit and read. What with all I have- care for 2 kids(4th and 2nd grade this year) while my wife (math teacher) works 60+hrs. week for School District, 8 hrs. week work for church, and tutoring on the side), and me- 50hrs week job, 20hrs.week university class and studies(homework). Someday alot of this will come to a hault and I can get away to my own hide out, my own place where I work just as much but for me and my family not someone else. Not trying say ya'll do less than me, qiute the opposite opinion for me, ya'll do way more than I do.

Anyways, I wanted to start a tip section everyone could just throw out a tip or 2 or3 or more. Some could be used by others. A sharing of thoughts So-To-Speak.

p.s.-- I don't want to control the thread, but thought that if anyone wanted to comment on a tip or trick it could be done via dmail or another thread, rather than go on a tangent and cause everyone else to have to read and read and read .....ect. to get to the next TidBit(Tip or Trick)


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