
McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

I have a bud coming on one very vigorous growing iris that didn't bloom this spring. (It's one that didn't get dug up and de-borered) I'm excited! What is re-blooming in your gardens now?

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

As of right now, nothing, but I expect my Imortality will be blooming soon.... ;) Which one of yours is blooming?


McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

I don't know - it was given to me last year, so it will be a surprise!

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5b)

Caitlin: I don't have anything reblooming yet - I expect Immortality will soon - it's usually the first. A very reliable rebloomer for me here in Cedar Rapids is Queen Dorothy. I LOVE that one. If you don't have it, I can get you some if you are coming to the round-up next spring. Just remind me..................

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Linda is correct, Queen Dorothy is a pretty reliable bloomer for me too. So is Corn Harvest and Feedback.

But Imortality beats all for me. :)


Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Floorshow is blooming beautifully right now for me!

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5b)

Ticker: Thanks for the hint on those two. I love rebloomers but find that some that say they rebloom might do so elsewhere, but maybe not in Iowa so it's good to know about those two. Maybe I'll add them. Linda

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

Clarence is a very reliable re-bloomer. I always look forward to it blooming twice.


Thumbnail by mrsspeedsgarden
Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

ah, I will have to try that Clarence. As you are within 40 miles of me, perhaps I can have some luck with it even though I live 1,000 feet higher. Thanks for posting that.

Arbuckle, CA(Zone 9a)

My Immortality is reblooming. I just planted about 25 rebloomers that I got from Schreiners, so I should have a lot more next year.


(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

Thought I might share some of my rebloom with all of you. Last night we had our first hard freeze and I doubt the buds survived!

'Navajo Jewel' overlooking the mums...can you believe that rich color! So much brighter than the spring bloom.

Thumbnail by llilyfan
(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

One of my absolute favorites! 'Barndance' How can you help loving it?

Thumbnail by llilyfan
(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

'Baby Blessed' has been a bloomin' fool for about 5 weeks now! Foliage looks rough but the flowers are so cheerful!

Thumbnail by llilyfan
(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

'Now and Later' seems to be singing a duet - "Don't Fence Me In/Out"! LOL

Thumbnail by llilyfan
Council Bluffs, IA(Zone 4b)

Thanks for adding to the list - lilyfan! I just can't wait to get more re-bloomers. The flowers are so gorgeous in the spring, it is so nice to see them again in the fall!

Readyville, TN(Zone 7a)

I have Bountiful Harvest and Blatant with buds that are about to open. I'll post photos soon as they do!


(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

My Bountiful Harvest has never re-bloomed for me. I'm happy it does for you Cathy! I'm looking forward to seeing pictures.

You are most Welcome hydrangea80.........I don't normally enable so freely!!!

Nilwood, IL(Zone 5b)

Hi All! I just got my first re's and planted them this fall. Will they bloom next Spring or are they like the tall bearded if you move them some of them take two years to come back. I did notice that the rysommes---I know that spell is wrong sorry, They are so much bigger than the others maybe they will. I do not have any luck with dwarfs. What am I doing wrong? Thanks Bev

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

'Anxious' bloomed last week and 'Jurassic Park' is blooming today. Next will be 'Immortality'. I see one bud on it so far.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

ChemoCurl was a sweetie and sent me some last year, but they didn't make it - guess I should have mulched them, but didn't. i don't mulch my others and they do great. Live and learn. Sorry, Sue - you tried!

Marble Hill, NY(Zone 6a)

My first bloom of "Pure as Gold"
I love looking at it from the livingroom window. It's like tiny piece of the sun fell into my yard.

Thumbnail by jxmas
Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

I just saw this thread and wanted to contribute. We moved at the end of July, so my irises were cut up and moved then, out of necessity. It was so surprising to have mutiple blooms on Baby Blessed for the past two weeks. When we had freezing temperatures, I cut them and enjoyed them indoors.They not only look like lemon, they smelled liked lemon too! Lo Ho Silver also rebloomed this fall, and there is a single bud coming up on Rosalie Figge. She has tried to rebloom very late in two of the three years that I have had her. The frost got her flowers last fall, and I hope to be able to cut the flower and bring it inside in a day or two. Usually reblooming here every fall is Clarence, Immortality, and Plum Wine. I can forgive my rebloomers for getting off schedule for what they had to go through during the move. All of the ones that I have mentioned are reliable rebloomers for us in this area.


Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Lichen has been blooming here for a week or so. Just noticed it yesterday.


Autumn Tryst and Peach Jam are budded, but the freeze will probably get them.

This message was edited Nov 3, 2006 6:02 AM

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I only have two rebloomers, but am watching this thread to learn of more...

TB enchanted one
SDB what again

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

No reblooming for me. My rebloomers usually start in mid-September. I had buds on several, but an early hard freeze took them out.

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Add "ASCII Art" to my list. I planted it a year ago and it bloomed for the first time October 30th, which is around the time it is suppose to rebloom. :-) Maybe next year I will get two blooms out of it.

Thumbnail by Texas_Doodlebug
Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

Texas_doodlebug, hi there. I am having the same kind of experience. My very first reblooming of my life sent up a flower stem in the middle of October. When the first flower finally opened, we got our first killing frost. Then the weather warmed and it continued to bloom, it had 9 buds, and now at thend of the first week of Nov, I want to go out and cut the stem off to coax the final bud to bloom inside. This has been so unbelievable for me. Frank

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)


Great photo! Nice shot, but...............It looks as if someone sent you a misnamed iris. Your iris is really HEMSTITCHED - a rebloomer. Alas - Ascii Art is not a rebloomer.

**The tip off is the lavender edges on the standards. Ascii Art has PURE white standards.

See AIS Registered descriptions:
(Ben Hager, R. 1989). Sdlg. RE4889. TB 32" (81 cm) EM & RE (Aug.. Sept. & Oct. in inland CA). "White, narrow edge stitched lavender violet, heavily veined hafts; pale blue white beard. T3711Pc: (Space Odyssey x Socialite) X Earl of Essex. Melrose Gardens 1990. "
See photo

(Walter Moores, R. 1995). Sdlg. 87-15PL. TB 32" (81 cm) M.
"S. white; style arms blue violet; F. white, narrow blue violet stitched edge, wider at hafts; beards white; ruffled; slight sweet fragrance. Victoria Falls X Fall Spotlight. Moores 1997. "
Here is what Ascii Art really looks like and what you should have received.

It looks as if MGH has the same misnamed iris posted under the name ASCII ART. It is easy to confuse the two - - until you look at the standards.

Still - - it's a great iris! Hemstitched has only bloomed in the fall for me. I have yet to see if bloom in the spring. But, I do know it has bloomed in both spring and fall in other areas of the country.

I hope this info helps.
smiles & best wishes,
~ Margie

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

I have a couple of rebloomers to sahre with you today. This one is DOUBLE SHOT.....a TB. The stalk this fall is 22 inches tall and it has 7 buds. Pretty good really as many of my rebloomers are shorter and have fewer buds.


Thumbnail by Margiempv
Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

I'll tell you what DID take me by surprise today.................when I saw a Louisiana reblooming, that I don't believe is registered as a rebloomer..............and it is EASTERTIDE. I took a few photos of it as it is right now. Here are 2. I've had this LA for 3 years and this is the first year it has rebloomed.

Has anyone else ever had EASTERTIDE REBLOOM?

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

2nd photo of LA reblooming:
~ Margie

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Central Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Gorgeous photos Margie. And thanks for the tip on ASCII Art, errr Hemstitched.

Louisville, KY

Clarence is blooming for the 4th timethis year for me. In the spring, then August and early October now two stalks are in my kitchen window blooming. We had a hard freeze here Wednesday night so I cut the two stalks and brought them into the house to bloom.

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

*sigh* I didn't have anything rebloom for me this year... But it sure is a pleasure looking at what you all have reblooming!


Joshua, TX(Zone 8a)

lilyfan, Thanks for posting the 'baby blessed'. Saw it in a catalog once, but have been unable to acquire one. I thought they were shorter iris. How tall is yours? ~~~ Carol

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I don't have any reblooming or have I ever :( Maybe if they settle in a couple more years they will decide to.
I am waiting to see Fade to Black next Spring. A neighbor gifted me with about 20 named iris from Schreiner's. She had not kept up with the names but they will be beautiful just the same.
Teresa in KY

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

My mother-in-law's Baby Blessed re-bloomed it's little heads off for her, and it is still sporadically reblooming for her. Mine did nothing. I feel kinda like Charlie Brown on Halloween, all I ever get is rocks! LOL What I really need to do is to put everything in full sun. That will happen next spring. The sun patterns have changed in the past 10 years with the trees maturing in various spots. :)


Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

Bluegrass, there's no better neighbor than the one who gives you 20 of Schreiners Iris. What a gift!

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

She has a very generous spirit, I am only one. We also dug for a couple of elderly folks. Next season I will try and take the camera with me. She has a very large iris patch. It is just beautiful in bloom! She doesn't want anything in return but I plan on letting her pick out some daylilies. She only has Stellas :)

(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)


My Baby Blessed is about 8-10 inches tall if I remember corretly. A sweet SDB that i was blessed to get from Wanda'sflowers and it loves its new home.

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