Fall Crops

Ocean Park, WA(Zone 8a)

I am new to the area. (Originally from Alaska) What kinds of veggies can you plant for fall??


Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I do Cauliflower,Broccli,lettuce,spinich, cabbage and swiss chard but you need transplants now. Fall beets and parsnips are doable to but haven,t done them my self.

Where is Ocean park I live in Western Washington and the above works here but if you are over the mountians forget what I said. Ernie

Thumbnail by eweed
So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

HI cookie. My son lives in Ocean Park too. You're consistantly 5º to 10º cooler than I am and lots more cloudy. I would think any of the cool weather vegies would work for you. Is there a nursery closer than Astoria? I bet you could get some good advice.

Marysville, WA

I think its near Aberdeen, if memory serves, but I would not count on it.

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

It's near the tip of the Long Beach (Willipa) Peninsula. Very pretty and loads of protected wildlife.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Delightful names you folks have for places. smiling here /;-) ~Blooms

Ocean Park, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Everyone!

Thanks so much for all of your input! We are on the Long Beach Peninsula, SW Washington. Just across from Astoria, OR. It is lovely here, lots of wildlife and great place to live, lots of wonderful people!

Well I guess I better get crackin' on the planting then!

Thanks Again,

GingerCookie :)

Renton, WA(Zone 8a)

Anybody know where to get transplants? I should have planted seed weeks ago, but was swamped with family. I'd love to plant some fall veges, if I could find some transplants.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Lots in Bellingham at Joes Gardens and the Cenex farm store.

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

I had great overwintered parsnips last year, but I think I planted them in early August. I was harvesting foot long roots all winter. You might try beets now, but it may be a little late if it's a cold winter. Another thing I have raised as an overwintered plant is cilantro. You could try planting it now if you give it some frost protection Dec. through Feb. Good luck. It is always worth trying things out to see what works in your particular microclimate. Being near the ocean, you might be a little warmer in the winter, though a little cooler in the summer than some other areas.

On another note, I went camping on Long Island in Willapa Bay about 20 years ago. We went over by canoe and nearly lost it when the tide came in....foolish midwestern transplants knowing nothing about how FAR the tide comes up on the beach. I waded into the water up to my waist to get it back. Fortunately it wasn't very cold (summertime water). The trees on that island were incredible; huge and tall old growth cedars. Beautiful place.

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