Squirrel maffia invades Athens OH...

Athens, OH

Beware of these seemingly cute critters.
They are thieves and tend to bury the evidence.

Friday Aug. 11, 2006.

Rox-male was innocently digging holes for plants from generous DGers, when she discovered the remains of a plant.
A daffodil bulb to be exact.
Upon further digging, additional evidence was uncovered...84 bulbs in all, in a hole measuring 8" x 8" by 6" deep.
The evidence was taken into custody. Neighbors have been informed of the incident and told to keep an eye out for the perpetrators.


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

That is wild! I can't believe they 'squirrelled' 84 daff bulbs away like that!!

Good thing you found the cache!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Come Fall it will be the dead squirrel Mafia.
Daff bulbs are poisonous aren't they??

Ours are working the Tomatoes.
Good news Tomato stuffed Squirrel is excellent!


Athens, OH

I didn't think they bothered daffodils either, but they're my main suspects. Especially since the pile was right under the Oak tree.

Perhaps it's just circumstantial evidence and their lawyer will get them acquitted but they're on my most wanted list now.


Southwest, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL, Rox! I actually have a "Wanted" poster with a mugshot and a side mugshot of a squirrel. It was given to me by a company that makes bird food. It is really cute.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

squirrels do dig daffs, tulips, hyacinth, and other bulbs. Last fall, I actually caught them in the act, followed the culprit, and uncovered a stash, not as large as yours though. I wondered the year before last how the daffs, got in the edge of the woods and bloomed, when there were none there previously. Unfortunately/fortunately, however you may want to view it, a nice hunter later killed this family in his hunting efforts. Don't know if he left survivors or not, but have been seeing 2 in the same area, they are teasing my Jack Russell, and Rat terrier, by standing in the open until sighted, then scurrying up a huge walnut tree.

Athens, OH

If you get a chance, please post the "wanted" squirrel poster.

I'll take your email as testimony against the squirrels. Hope they hire a good defense attorney.


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

When found guilty (and believe me they will get a fair trial) are Last Rites administered by a Squirrel MONKey?


Athens, OH


Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I wonder if the surprise lily we had come up at the base of our arbor was a gift hidden by a squirrel. The lily was only about a foot tall, and it had four or five pink blooms. There were no leaves, maybe it was a naked lady.

Athens, OH

I know for sure that some animal (presumably) squirrels moved some of my naked ladies. They showed up about 10 ft away in the middle of another bed. They actually look decent where they are too!

Usually the stems are taller, about 2.5 feet. But maybe. See if the leaves come up in the same place in the Spring.


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