ORV Coffee House # 4

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

The Saga continues from here>>> http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/626813/
Have a great weekend!!

Edited to correct Hyperlink

This message was edited Aug 12, 2006 3:44 PM

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Can plants say "AHHHHHHHH!!!!!"
Finally after weeks of late August heat we have a break in the weather.
After the mid 70's nights it 'appears' we'll have low/mid 60's.
Days go from the low/mid 90's to mid upper 80's.
Today is killer. Clouds from a nice soaking rain last night are hanging around giving us a mid 70's day.
Thw warehouse has already dropped from near 90 yesterday to below 80 at my desk. (I'm by the dock doors)
W/ 40,000 square feet the middle will take longer to drop but by Monday should be liveable again.

We're going to Kettering Sunday Dusty so I'll try to get some shots and pick up the Classified's for rental news.

Williamsburg, OH(Zone 6a)

Good morning to you Dusty! I have been reading the threads, and decided to say Hi. Your clay figures are wonderful! keep up the great work. Do you sell them at all? Do you ever trade them for plants? I believe that I read that you will be moving here to Ohio. Welcome! what part are you moving to? Anyway, have a great weekend!

P.S. this is my baby.

Thumbnail by clarkranch
Proctorville, OH(Zone 5b)

He looks like a smart horse there Linda... & a beauty at that.

Did you all know they added an artisan forum?
There is some good work over there too. I think they thought we might be hogging the good stuff over here with Dusty's work. LOL

And Ric is right, it is cool & pleasant. You all have a good day.

Williamsburg, OH(Zone 6a)

He is extremely smart, just a big pet really. I just ride him around on my farm, he loves to explore!

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Hi Linda, nice to see another Clermont Countian here. :-)

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Welcome Linda!
You're just up the pike from us here at work.
Near Amelia HS right now but our shop used to be behind the Ford Plant.


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I don't pop into these threads very often....

Nice to meet you Linda. I guess I pass your place running between my two. LOL Nice horsie! I live in Clinton and Highland Counties. :)

What a cute figurine Dusty! Would that be a man faerie? Looking at the gut on him, I think we are related. ;)

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good afternoon everyone! And welcome to you Linda! Always nice to see another Ohioan here.
Not much that is new going on here folks...just been working in the gardens a lot. Last night was great for pulling weeds after the rain we had. Was pretty muggy though!
I finally made an appt with the dr to ask questions..lol! Not that I want to know! I go to see him the 28th of August. I am hoping to hang in there till cold weather, if he will let me continue the pain meds that long. Guess I will find out huh?
Have a great day everyone...I'm off to do some shopping...YUK!!!!

Southwest, OH(Zone 6a)

Welcome Linda,
He is a cutie.
Like Melissa said it is nice to see another Clermont Countian here.

Williamsburg, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks so much for the warm welcome! Maybe we could have a local plant swap one of these days. Gardeners are the best!

Athens, OH

I am all for the plant swap.
Lots of plants to get rid of (I mean swap).

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm hoping to host a big plant swap next year. I don't think things here at the new house will be in order enough to invite company. LOL With any luck our other house will sell quickly and I will have more time to devote to this one. It would be fun to have you all over! I know the Cincinnati people are about an hour from me. Rox are you about two hours away? Williamsburg should be thirty minutes or less. I guess Dusty will have th elongest drive untly they are here by then? Everyone would be free to camp out if they are into that or you could take a day trip or we could check on hotels.....

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

I want to come, too. I live in Madison, IN, a little over an hour from Cincinnati.
I'm trying to establish my gardens now, so I don't have a lot to trade yet. I do seem to be overloaded on white "David" phlox, though.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi everyone.. Just in for a quick minute between phones..Im slammed here today..

Badseed..That is a wee Fairy Boy...and he isnt finished as you can see by his feet, but he lives in a garden candle lantern that he has filled with everything but the candle, and wont hold still for me to get him done!! LOL

If I had a way to do it, your old house would be sold last week...I love that house!! It reminds me of my Aunts house in Ft Thomas..Im hoping against all hope to be up there before Spring next year, so I will find a way to be at your swap!!


Thumbnail by DustyDS
Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Here is his **house**...

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Proctorville, OH(Zone 5b)

ooh lovin it.... and he holds up outside? What do you use on him?

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

LOL! Seriously Nice Dusty!


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Well we got the new fence wall started on the Hot Tub enclosure.
That only took about an hour or so. (MOSTLY MEASURING! LOL)


Then we stopped to go get a new rim and tire for the car.
I noticed the back rear tire was about to blow.
So it was fix or forget Kattering tomorrow.
The previous owner had hit a curb and dented the rim.
New rims are EXPENSIVE even for an Escort........150 Bucks.
We hit the junkyard and did it for 25........
Try to get a tire bought and mounted on a Saturday afternoon....LOL!
20 People were in line at Tire Discounters.
We finally managed to get one at Firestone after a 1 1/2 hour wait.
What a waste of a gorgeous Saturday afternoon!


Athens, OH

What a bummer. Hope tomorrow is more fun!

I can't believe we only have about 8 more weeks of growing season (our first frost can be as early as end Oct.).

I figure it will take about 2 weeks to dig up the 100+ elephant ears; 30 or so Ismene festalis (peruvian lilies); 20 or so tender lavenders and 5 tender salvia. Oh and I forgot the 20+ amaryllis bulbs.

What was I thinking planting all these? Augh!!!!!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Good Morning Everyone!!!

Hi Linda...didnt mean to ignore you yesterday, but my time online was really fast and Im a slow typer.. LOL We are moving up there by May of next year, somewhere between Cincy and Dayton.. who knows where ?? Too many things up in the air at the moment..LOL
I have sold a few sculpts, and Ive never traded for plants, but I may be persuaded to trade for a horseback ride.. LOL... Welcome to the Coffee House!!!!

Abby, on Polymer clay, you can coat it with Future Floor Wax ..It will darken over time but that is what I like it to do on my male ogres, trolls etc..The ladies ( and some of the boys) all get a spray of non glossy polyurethane.. I despise a sheen as real skin has none. The lantern was hanging under my yard canopy until I took it down to pack it..Never put any sculpts in direct sunlight..

Hey Ric!! Lookin' Gooood there !!! I hope I can get into my tub this evening if the phones will cooperate..Im sure going to miss it until I can get another one up there..Im with you on the privacy issue for the Hot tub.. As Jeff Foxworthy says on his Fashion issues.....
** People of a certain age should avoid Spandex...You are NOT a Babe!!**.. LOL !!!

Marcy .. Keep us posted on the Doc.. we have Howies news on the 26th and yours on the 28th..Gonna be a busy 2 days of praying hard!!!

Have a wonderful day Y'all!!!


This message was edited Aug 13, 2006 12:24 PM

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Little slow here in the Coffeehouse this week...........lol

This time of year we are pretty much in the 'all projects' mode.
We store up materials and ideas from late Fall to Spring for late Summer jobs.
Now we are saving and storing for the Winter interior work.

So far we have a good handle on the Hot Tub move.
It will probably complete next weekend.
All we have left is add the gravel, leveling and tamping, put down pavers to finish the base. The moving part is easy.
Then Labor Day Weekend we will do a 4 day and do the finish work.
It would have been moved today but for an unexpected project.
(The GOOD kind!)
My BIL snagged this a few weeks ago for our Hot Tub.
(We caravaned it down last Sunday)
We found other uses....................


Thumbnail by henryr10
Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi Ric..

Yes, it has been a little slow...Im sure everyone is busy in their yards now that things are cooling off a bit...
Ive been tagging and digging the last of my plants that are staying behind here, but getting sent off to new homes...The last of them leave here tomorrow.. I took down my small gate arbor yesterday, and packed it with my canopy...That frame you got is similar to the one HD stocked here and I almost bought one.. Its the same size as the cheaper one I did get from Walmart, and I kept all my shade plants under it..I got it originally for the hot tub as it has bug net curtains all the way around it, but my tub sits too high off the ground and you whacked your head on the canopy frame getting in it..LOL ...Im repotting my 2 Ficus trees today, and my Spaths and little Hostas..They will be ready to go along with my white BOP, cannas, heliconia, aloe, wisteria baby and coffee bean tree...Along with a couple house plants, that is all Im going to be able to fit in, if I want room for my 2 fountain/waterfall setups...Below is my lions head that I refuse to leave behind...Its been all over the US in the last 33 years... LOL

Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend!!


Thumbnail by DustyDS
Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

Ric, I lurk here a lot and since I'm cybershy, I post very little. Your hot tub sounds like it will end up a great project. My Thalia is blooming and I wondered if you save seeds from yours and if so, how long do they take to dry? I have really enjoyed it and want to thank you again for trading it to me. The White mandevilla is planted next to a red one I overwintered and they are both blooming their heads off. They look great together. Thanks also for it. Lou

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Hey Lou!
You can winter the thalia indoors in a small pot of water in a bright spot it loves it.
Just keep cutting back the dead stems.
It will reduce in height as the winter progresses.
Come March they will start ramping up again.

I'm glad it's blooming. A rather in your face (literally) bloom eh! lol
The seeds will dry on the plant.
Watch that the seeds don't fall off and disappear.
When they feel like a shell bean they are ripe.
Brown bag them until around March then start again.

I'd love to see a shot of the Mandevillas.
Next year 'I' will be needing starts!


Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi Rox.... How do you winter Salvia?? I have 2 purple ones that are perennial down here..I also have a Heather that stays all year but I doubt it would up there...I need to figure out how to save these guys...Too many years of year round gardening down here..

I pulled the 250 gallon backyard pond up on Monday, and spent yesterday digging up the rest of the plants that were around it, and filling in the pond hole....I think I have a back ache.. LOL

I found some mold around the plants near the pond Ric, so Ill have to be more careful when I plant up there..This is the first year Ive ever had it ...But then again, I kind of over planted and had alot of it close together...

I have a question about the Mandevillas.....I love them dearly, but I didnt think they would survive up there in the winter... Do you do something special for them to winter them??


Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

I over wintered my Mandevilla by treating it as a houseplant. I looked very sad by springtime and I wasn't sure it would survive. I put it in the ground this spring and it literally leaped in growth and started blooming again quickly. I have hear that you can take cuttings from them , but have not done so myself. Lou

Athens, OH

I have overwintered the Salvia guarantica for two winters and with two different methods.

The first year, I dug them up and potted them, stopped water and putting them in the garage (which never really gets below freezing).
The second year, I dug them up and potted them and kept them in the GH because they were still blooming in the Fall and then I forgot to move them out.

For me, they did much better going dormant in the garage.
The plants did well in the GH until late February and then they had lots of spider mites and dropped leaves all over. I think the light (or lack thereof) was telling them to go dormant, but the higher temp and watering was giving them the grow signal. Very confusing to them I think.

Using the garage method, the plants broke dormancy in about March. I moved them to the GH and watered them. In April I slowly reacclimated them to outside temps (bringing them in at night until the temps were >45F).

I hope this helps.

This year I have lots of salvia to bring in (once again, WHAT WAS I THINKING?!). Guarantica; microphylla, coccinea, elegans.

I think I'll try the garage method with these as well.


Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Rox -- I want to see a picture of these elephant ears before the end of the season. I can't imagine what 100s of them would look like. And, when you dig up 100+ this year, does that mean you'll have 150+ to dig next year? Do they increase that way?


Athens, OH

Nope...one plant can produce at least 5 or more!
So 100 now = 500 later if I planted them all (which I won't! At least I think I won't...hum maybe I should...Nah...Maybe?...Augh!)
I'll post some pictures later.

It's been fun. Some are >5' tall; one is about 7'. And there are runners radiating out all over the place!


Proctorville, OH(Zone 5b)

That has to be an awesome sight.

Athens, OH

Here are some photos.
In the background:
The black stem EE are Colocasia Fontanesii and are about 5'8" (my height).
The tall green EE with the vertically-held leaves is Alocasia Macrorrhiza is about 7'.

In the foreground (front left ot right):
C. Red Stem (great red stem)
C. Chicago Harlequin (interesting green and yellow striped stem)
C. Pink China (supposedly hardy to Zone 6)
C. Big Dipper (interestingly the leaves are concave and catch rain water).
These EE are about 3' high.

As you can tell, I like to integrate my tropicals with my perennials.
Makes for some interesting gardening, especially now that they are so huge and have pups and runners all over the place.


Thumbnail by rox_male
Athens, OH

Another bed with smaller EE.

An eclectic mix of Xanthosomas (from Belize and Hawaii) and Colocasia 'Illustris'.
Some A. cadierii (fairly rare) is peaking in on the right.


Thumbnail by rox_male
Athens, OH

One of my new favorites...'Lutea'

Thumbnail by rox_male
Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Oh, that's not what I was expecting at all! I thought you'd have 100 all one kind as a (very large) groundcover...those are really neat!


Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

How'd I miss this thread? I've really gotten behind. Nice to see the new posters.

We'll have to check that out, especially for my MIL.

We're in Geneva, Illinois right now, just got to the hotel and are settled in. Howie's trying to catch some shuteye, but I'm still trying to wind down. The guys are leaving at 9:00am for the plant, so at least they have a few hours to sleep. There is MUCH shopping around here, so that's what Jackie and I will do while they guys are at the office getting their offers and having a tour of the plant. We'll all do some stuff together later in the afternoon. Howie and I would like to persuade Mike and his wife to stay Saturday night, too, so we can enjoy all of Saturday kicking around here.

I'd better turn in. Just wanted to check in and say hi.

Southwest, OH(Zone 6a)

Rox -
Wow! What a great grouping of EE's! Makes me feel at home! : )

Proctorville, OH(Zone 5b)

You enjoy your stay there garden wife. It sounds as if you have been busy! Buy something fun!

Rox that is so neat & Like Ill. I was expecting all at once. However, I never see more than 2 planted together around here & yours are spectacular. I especially liked the pic of the smaller group. Which is not like me... I like big showy & splashy, but the smaller group looked soo cool & inviting.
Thanks for sharing

Athens, OH

Glad you enjoyed the pics!

I am starting preparations to bring them inside. Sterilizing pots this weekend.

I really hope that C. Pink China is hardy to zone 6a. BWilliams has kept it out for several winters in Zone 6b.

Pink China is on the left (has a pink spot where the leaf meets the stem).

Enjoy the shopping!

Thumbnail by rox_male
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

It's been a great day - Rather than re-invent the wheel tonight, let me point you toward this thread: http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/643829/

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