Daddy! Daddy! Look, Kittens!!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Enjoy this for it's cuteness (is that a word?) or for the refreshing stream of cool, clear water, in the shot. :-)

Thumbnail by justdeb
Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Oh so cute...What happened to the "Kittens"??? Did Mom show up?

Acton, TN(Zone 7a)

LOL! Our Bull mastiff got two skunks (or vise versa!) You'd think he'd learnt after the first one. My wife was at work the next day and one of her co-workers asked "What is that smell?" I guess we kind of got use to it. We gave claudius a bath in hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Worked pretty good (or so we thought!).

Here's another southern critter classic that belongs in this forum or at least the Classic Threads. .

Thumbnail by jozeeben
Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

This is another classic and funny critter thread entitled "Ol P'nut'll let 'bout anythin' eat with him ..." by Maypye

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

In regard to the kittens.....

I was laying in the kitchen floor on bed made of a couple of old comforters, with a new Bully mother who was afraid of her babies. I layed down and snuggled with her so she would be still and Bob put the puppies on her one at a time. I glanced out the glass doors and saw pretty black cat, yikes with a white stripe... I gently put my hands over the Bullies eyes so she wouldn't see it and start barking.... at that point a skunk spray of the porch would have been all I needed.


Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Had an encounter w/ skunk just this last fall. Something got in and killed a coop full of our best laying hens and hub's prize rooster so we had gone back a couple of nights with flashlights to see if we could catch what got to them after dark. We parks in front of the gate headlights pointed towards barn and coops then I got out to check the grass and weeds along the fence row to make sure nothing was lurking. On my trip back to the truck,I heard something russlin' in the weeds not far from the gate.I swung my flashlight toward the sound and there dead center of the light was a 8 ft skunk all puffed up and just itching to let me have it...ok...dark and shock just made it look 8ft.but it were big. It must have been a sight to behold as I ran back towards the truck,spotlighted in the headlights w/ my arm thrown wide like I was going to try to take wing...fingers splayed,eyes and mouth wide open in a silent scream(dare not scream less I get sprayed)knees pumping like I was running tires at a football practice. I just knew I was gonna get it. My silly hub's chased that darn skunk up under Reggie's house and was going to blast it before I stopped him. Reggie's my son's best friend and my DiL ex-husband....but that's a whole new Jerry Springer show. Remind me to explain my hub's family don't fork....his aunt was his grandmaw and it ain't no joke or riddle...can't get no more southern than I'm not my hub's sister or cousin.

Couple years ago I use to let my 4 boston terriers out before day break in the backyard. This morning I let them out and they made a bee-line to the far corner...well,couldn't see them in the dark but I could hear them barking to beat the band at something. I yelled at them to come back to the house and after calling them up several times I heard them heading back towards me....or rather I smelled them waaaayyyy before they hit the light from the back door. I tried to make a mad dash for the door going into the living room from the wash room but I just wasn't fast enough. They hit the door in a dead run,to the living room and onto the livingroom furniture trying to rub and roll the smell off of themselves. Needless to say I spent the day gripping washing,scrubbing and airing out. It took about two weeks for the smell to be gone. Now I don't let them out until it's plentyl ight out and they have to go out the front door.

It's a circus 'round here.


Philadelphia, MS(Zone 7b)

bigred, i can just see the whole thing. I won't talk about your DH's family tree if you won't talk about mine (the DH's that is)

One night last summer, we kept hearing the chickens and guineas hollering. My hubby got up to see what was going on. There was a full moon and our security light keeps things lit up pretty good as well. Anyway, we were looking out of the front door and both saw this HUGE owl/ It was sitting in the top of the tree right next to the security light. Underneath, on the ground, was a poor guinea. I could see that it was still moving and I told my husband to please go out and put it out of its misery! He told me to hush and watch. The guinea just lay there for the longest. Finally, the owl took flight (I think he heard us - I was having to hold Oscar to keep him quiet and he was having a fit). As soon as the owl left, the guinea got up and ran off! I'd never seen a guinea play dead before - it was hilarious. My DH went on outside to see if he could get a shot at the owl (OMG, are they protected when they are killing your chickens?) and heard something behind him - it was a fox! I think all of the woodland creatures had come out for a midnight snack that night. We have since gotten a large, sweet dog that keeps all of those night visitors at bay!

Philadelphia, MS(Zone 7b)

Sorry, folks, I just did it again. Ya'll were talking about skunks. My mind just goes in tangents sometimes! By the way, we didn't kill the owl and it has visited twice more - taking a guinea each time. They must be a favorite on the menu or something!

Starkville, MS

bigred - I can relate to the cleaning bit. My German Shepherd caught a full shot from close range and did his everlovin' best to rub *all* that horrible smell off - on my bedroom carpet. Needless to say, I spent the next three weeks sleeping in the guest room, with the door closed! The skunk family that was trying to move into my shed finally gave that up and went out under the bridge on the road in front of my house. For the next 2 months every 2 or 3 days around 6 am the fragrance would waft through my window, another one bit the pavement. I didn't think they would ever all be killed or at least move! That was not a month that I would want to repeat.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

you all have such great stories! My life is so dull in comparison. I've only seen skunks in the zoo. The picture was emailed to me by my Auntie in California. Not sure who they are. Just thought it was adorable, and wanted to share. :-)

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

JustDeb, all the expereience comes from living in the country!!! Someone will have to explain "sundowners" to you. I'm a city girl who moved to the country, what a culture shock.


St. Simon's Island, GA(Zone 9a)

That is the detriment of having a doggie door. My Shiloh got skunked and then came running back into the house. Before we knew it, she had it all over the couch, our bed, and her crate. (We were both outside and just down the street when it happened) WHEW! What a mess! And we also realized that one of our Dalmatians had gotten skunked also, but he killed the it. Then I had to dispose of the body. We have also had a skunk drown in our pool. That was fun too. Yuck!

We had a momma and 2 babies come across the yard in the middle of the day the other day. It was pouring the rain, and we watched them just waddle across the yard, through my rose bed, and around the back of our property. Never seen skunks in the middle of the day before.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

She didn't know the difference in the cover of night and the cover of rain? Now that's a weird skunk. Thank Goodness none of mine have ever gotten the scent.


Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

generally not a good sign to see skunks out in the day time. Their skin sunburns easliy but maybe mom thought it was ok in the rain. Otherwise I'd said,bar the door and call animal control...or grab a gun. Skunks out in the sun means it's probably rabid.

Snakes! Snakes! Get me running. Had a big ole black rat snake by the greenhouse. I did my dernest to keep him from going into the greenhouse but I lost the battle. I know they're good for catching varmits but they're also good for giving me a heart attack when I pick up a bucket off the floor and there's a snake coiled up on the root ball ,peeking out from under the leaves.Snake gets a ride when I have that knee jerk reaction and chunk the bucket across the greenhouse.There another way to tell if your southern...we don't throw or toss things ...we chunk them...LOL


Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)


You picture is caught in the Forum Photo Of The Day
lol lol It's a catch 22, it appears in the DG NewLetter so people view it and the cycle keeps on going.


Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

nice! But I feel really REALLY guilty's my Aunts picture, she emailed it, and I'm not sure where she got it. :-) Hate to not have the original photographer credited. My pictures all look the same, always have a thumb in the bottom right corner...
Thanks for sharing this Judy!

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