Flock of migrating gardeners, last seen heading east

Sammamish, WA(Zone 8a)

As of August 3rd, DG added a new forum for Rocky Mountain gardeners and several splendid gardeners who I have come to enjoy reading in this forum have already set up camp. Any argument that I can imagine that suggests that they don't deserve it would be pretty feeble indeed. I hope they all keep PNW on their fave list and drop in sometimes, so I won't be tempted to do anything so pathetic.Congratulations on a well deserved home space!

Gasp! Soferdig??? RuthOlive??? Have we been abandoned? I guess it's no good trying to lurk on the new forum. They're bound to notice the rain in our hair. Maybe they'll let us visit occasionally just to soak in the sunshine.

Tacoma, WA(Zone 8a)

Oh noooooo!!!!! what can you grow in the mountains... LOL. We will have to lurk, rain or no rain!

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

They didn't say goodbye...:o(

I feel so.... I don't know...... so... abandoned!!

Tacoma, WA(Zone 8b)

I understand and validate your feelings. Perhaps it would help you to know that just because they aren't living with us anymore doesn't mean that they love us any less. You see, sometimes grownups who really care for each other find that it's best for them to live separately. Sometimes they fall out of love with each other or find it too painful to stay together. Sometimes they get back together but most of the time they don't. While this hurts right now, it may lead to new and wonderful opportunities to love even more people and have bigger families. Please remember that they haven't abandoned you and it's not your fault that they've gone. I thought that Skidiver and I drove them away with our fighting or maybe Pixydish with her ever increasing "sick headaches" but we can't focus on placing blame. We must concentrate on healing our hearts and continuing to love those who have brought so much joy to our lives. Though they be far away, we can still Dmail them whenever we want and I'm sure they'll visit us often and perhaps we can visit them every other weekend and some holidays.

I'm fairly certain that it was you and Skidivur who broke this little family up with your continual bickering and competitions. "His flower is better than mine! You like him best. You don't love me as much as you do him",, ad nauseum. Who says we can't focus on placing blame? I must have someone to blame and you'll do! After all, you brought it up, so it MUST be your fault! If you are so tired of my 'sick headaches', then stop instigating them!! And stop trying to 'therapize' us! You are causing my eyes to roll!

I can't take this anymore. I have to go lie down. I have a sick headache.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Is Alaska in the Pacific Northwest?

Tacoma, WA(Zone 8b)


Perhaps you'd like to discuss these hostility issues. Let's see if we can get to the bottom of the psychosomatic nature of the sick headaches that seem to be plaguing you, shall we? That is assuming that there is actual manifestation of physical pain. Methinks you are using the sick headache excuse as an avoidance behavior. What say you to that? As for the eye rolling; It's not really becoming and betrays your disdain for my attempt to help you. More simply put - Young lady, you'd better wipe that smart look off of your face this instant! Do you hear me?! You seem to have an issue with my therapitisation (love to create words). I am just trying to help. When you are ready to talk, I'm here and, like Frasier Crane, I'm listening.

Tacoma, WA(Zone 8b)


I think that Seward, being in south central Alaska, qualifies as part of the Pacific Northwest. Any further toward Fairbanks and you've reached the Great White North. I have a niece who lives and gardens in Wasilla, a nephew in Anchorage, Friends in Eagle River, and a sister & brother in law still living in my home town- Skagway where I gardened for about 20 years. I miss the long summer days & my niece teases me about being able to work outside almost all night. But then I get my revenge by teasing her about being able to garden pretty much year round.

This message was edited Aug 11, 2006 10:46 AM

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Maybe I should request a Great White North forum! LOL! Your seasons are considerably different than mine, but there are many ecosystems within the Pacific Northwest, so I may have similar circumstances to some of you.

Marysville, WA

I think that in most "regional maps", Alaska is considered PNW. As for gardening maps, I have no idea. And umm, I think the Great White North is canada, eh? Coo coo ka coo coo coo Hey, I'm Doug McKenzie, and this is my brother Bob, eh. Take off you hoser, NO you take off.. WHY am I reminded of some OTHER people on here, talking like that, lol

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Well, I've got Pacific Ocean, I'm in the North, and I'm about as far west as in the United States as you can get... Sounds like Pacific Northwest to me, eh? (Actually, I think Hawaii is a bit farther West than me, but they aren't North.)

Marysville, WA

Actually, Alaska is the EASTERNMOST STATE in the USA, :)

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

If I were to stand on a pile of rocks at the end of the Aleutian Chain, I would be in the 180 degree longitude that separates East from West. Since Seward is in SouthCentral Alaska, I'm still in the West.

Welcome to the Pacific Northwest, Weezingreens. Pay no attention to the peanut gallery. They are simply poorly trained. Glad to have you!
I wouldn't be so hostile if I didn't have to deal with Herpst and Skidivur. Herpst things I'm faking the headaches and he's using the old 'psychosomatic' and 'I'm listening' ploy. Well, I've just had a full day of listening myself so maybe I'd be ready to talk sometime if he didn't act so high and mighty. Some people are just 'know it alls'. And then Skidivur with the beautiful gladiolas, the flower that never blooms for me. It's more than I can take sometimes. However, I do think my latest cement leaf might make it. After breaking any number of them, I'm ready for success.

Marysville, WA


Thumbnail by skidivur

You are so mean!!!

Marysville, WA

Oh, yeah, and.....

and nothing! Just plain mean!
Just for that......take this!

And now, just so you can't get back at me, I'm going to bed ! So There!

Thumbnail by
Marysville, WA

Oops forgot to add pic.

Thumbnail by skidivur
Marysville, WA

and for your dreams...

Thumbnail by skidivur
Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

I feel your pain, Pixydish.

Tacoma, WA(Zone 8b)


Hey hoser, beautiful glads, eh. I like the one that's almost the color of back bacon. Poor Pixydish has a tick in her tuke. Bob and Doug are my heros, eh! Hey, I'm in one ear and I'm in the other, eh.

This message was edited Aug 12, 2006 7:15 AM

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

When my boys got too rambunctious I put them to work. Don't you need a new bed or two dug Pixy? Love that rose! Looks a bit like my Christopher Marlow, it's loaded this year.

Edited to say: "I miss our Mile High friends. I'm going to go lurk on the RM forum."

This message was edited Aug 12, 2006 9:20 AM

Thumbnail by KatyMac

Sniff! I'm so glad I've got kindred spirits on this forum. Nice flowers, Skidivur (IF that is your REAL name)
Katy, see you around the lurking post on the other forum. Nice rose!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

(Weez quietly steps back from the conversation, heads for the refreshment table, clings to her punch cup and looks for the nearest exit to head back over to the Cool Climate forum.)

Marysville, WA

Nice, but not half as nice as YOU OR YOUR flowers. And if you say I said anything, I will have to deny I said it, :P

OH WEEZ< WEEZ!! Where ya going? Don't let those boys run you off. We're real friendly folk here!

Skidivur, it's our little secret!

This message was edited Aug 12, 2006 9:54 AM

Tacoma, WA(Zone 8b)


Don't run off. We really do like each other. Besides, we spiked the punch and you wouldn't want to go on some other thread and say silly things in your current state. You can trust us...truly you can :)

There goes skidivur trying to make brownie points with the dish again. I think that I'm getting a sick headache.

LOVE the roses Katy and Pixy. What's the name of yours P?

that's Abraham Darby, one of my favorites. Sorry to hear of your sick headache! Take my word for it, the secondary gains are not generally worth it! Take two excedrine and call me in the morning!

Weez, we're a crazy bunch here! This is what happens when you live with too much rain for too long - a little sunshine causes punch-drunkeness!

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

~~~waving from the slickrock high desert of Utah ~~Blooms

Tacoma, WA(Zone 8b)

Hi Blooms,

Don't be shy, come on in. Most of us don't bite :)

Pixydish - Thanks for the name - I thought that perhaps you'd say, "We just call him Bob." I love the yellow/pink combination old & David Austin roses. O.K. who am I kidding I love them all. Have you visited Raft Island Roses in Gig Harbor? It's pretty amazing. The incredible fragrance of thousands of roses in bloom that almost overwhelms you as you get out of your car alone is worth the trip!

ARRRG!!! BLOOMS! I didn't get my Utah desert fix this year and I really, really am going to regret it. I am so totally jealous of your position on the red rocks! I believe that I must have lived in the desert in a previous life because I always feel so alive there. Don't even ask me why! But I do get a craving for southern Utah. I even made 'desert rocks' for my front area so I could pretend a bit. I know, it's kind of sick. Here's a photo of one of them.
Today I saw that I have a bloom on one of my little cacti and it was almost like I was there! But not really. Sigh.

Stick around! We're a wild and crazy bunch but we have a good time. If you think we're a little nutty now, wait until, say, January. Then you'll really see some action!

Yep, I've been to Raft Island Roses several times. My sister lives close by that nursery. I had to stop buying roses because I really ran out of room for them. So I started focusing my energy on Hydrangeas.

Thumbnail by
Tacoma, WA(Zone 8b)

Your succulent garden really rocks!

"I had to stop buying roses because I really ran out of room for them. So I started focusing my energy on Hydrangeas."
You crack me up - like hydrangeas take up less space than roses...hmmm. (O.K. I understand about limited full-sun positions but it still made me laugh)

".,...really rocks!" HAR HAR HAR. Thanks! I'm please with the succulent garden. If I sit out there and put blinders on, I can pretend I'm on slick rock in Utah. It's a really really BIG pretend, but it makes me feel better.That slickrock there is so awesome. It just goes on forever!

Yep, it was the limited full sun positioning that got me. I have a couple of Austin's in part sun and they do okay, but I'm pressing myluck.

Say, where'd skidivur skeedaddle off to? Possibly he and his pal bluelytes are hanging out together plotting the next slam against Lakewood. Speaking of which, anyone know what happened to old blue? His name isn't in the member list anymore. Rats! He was a bit of fun!

Marysville, WA

Ummm, WHO are you calling "he" and "his"?? Hmmmmm. lol

OOOH NOOOO! Not the same gender bender game as blue lytes used to play!!! Now if you tell me that you cook the best ribs in the country, I'm going to start calling you bluedivur!

Tacoma, WA(Zone 8b)

Blue did lyte up our lives. Perhaps (s)he is on vacation. Maybe to somewhere rainy and tropical.

Pixydish, It's fun to hear about others who get on certain plant-collecting kicks. Unlike the wiser gardeners I know, I never sift out some of the remnants of previous plant passions. Thus I have a cacophony of wonderful plants crowded all over the place with no rhyme or reason. I have to push some things aside to see others. I need to be more ruthless & less of a plant softy. Oh well, the disorganized jungle makes me happy - mostly - well except around this time of year when everything seems soo overgrown. On my way to church, I walk by a garden that is so lovely & tidy. The plants are well - chosen, well - grown and have actual space around them. You can even see soil between the plants - excellent circulation. I also have a neighbor who is a marvelous gardener. She masses plants of a single type & gets marvelous & restful results. I guess I just lack control in the nursery.

This message was edited Aug 14, 2006 10:23 AM

Yes, I keep thinking that someday I will the the 'wise' gardener, and I even get a small glimpse of her in myself every now and again, but I do think she's still years away. Perhaps I was not given enough satisfaction as a small child with I-want-itis. I see, I want, I buy. There is no pausing to think in between each step. But I am really, really trying to have more self control. I really am. I'm tired of losing plants to being over grown by other plants. As much as I'd like to just keep adding more beds, I am still only one person, and I'm the only gardener in the house.
I have noticed a ruthless streak in me that can be extremely useful. I can't believe the things I've ripped out of here this year. And, I admit it, it felt GOOD!! MWUHAHAH!!

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