Calling all herbs!Rosemary,Hyssop,Bergamont etc.

Lexington, TN(Zone 7a)

I am trying to find herbs of all types I've searched catalogs,local nurseries etc. and beyond dill,chives and parsley herbs seem scarce here.I love anything of the mint family(as I brew herbal teas)and anything unusual and hard to find, especially those with medicinal Wort for example.If any herbalist out there could help me get started I can SASE or Trade!Daisylou:)

St. augustine, FL(Zone 9a)

I'm kinda new at his trading stuff. Fortunately, I saved a few things last year for trading with my sister so had some extras when I discovered this site a few weeks ago so was able to add a few things to my have list. Unfortunately, I didn't save many herb seeds, but will be sure to start saving for next year so keep in touch (I'm also into unusual herbs - I like using them for teas, craft projects, soaps, bath soaks, making natural dyes, etc; also like the medicinal stuff but haven't really ever done anything but enjoy them in my garden) I do have some licorice mint seeds my sister sent and can probably spare a few if you send me a SASE. Also have some garlic chives someone sent as a bonus item in a trade if your interested in some of those as well. I have a fair variety of herbs already growing in my garden including rosemary, hyssop, bergamont, st johns wort among many others and will be sure to save seeds this coming season.

Moorestown, NJ(Zone 7b) sells herbs...... as does Burpee's.......and I've never dealt w/ this company, but it's got a nice website:

I have some chocolate mint plants that I can send you......for SASE. They're just roots right now, but will perk up come warmer weather.....all you have to do is put them in a jar of water in the house and they'll be getting leaves in no time.

If you're looking for seeds, I have a me and we'll talk.

Huron, TN

daisylou in the g/w forume they have the herb box its shipped to you you get out what you want then you put some back in then mail to next person on list well something like that you should check it out

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Daisylou, I have lots of herb seeds including some medicinals. I'd fix up a care package for postage if you'd like. E-me if your interested.

My favourite place for seeds is
The catalogue has a description of the uses of each (medicinal and food)and they have as many as 25 or so kinds of basil, for example.

Lexington, TN(Zone 7a)

Hey Clegrou,
I just went there and requested their catalog.
Thanks for the info:)

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