New Box

Paramus, NJ

What did I do or not do to get my New box to say No? and what does it mean?

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I am assuming that you looked at a thread or dmail and therefore it is not new anymore. Does this make sense?
BTW - I always like seeing blue letters coming up on my screen=new.

Paramus, NJ

So anything that I look at will change to NO??? Duh now I get it. The sun has gotten to my brain. Many thanks

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Now you're catching on, the only glitch is sometimes if you are watching a thread and the forum it's in, if you check the thread it will still show the forum as new even if nothing else is besides that thread. Am I confusing you - it is my mission in life,


Paramus, NJ

Sorry for the delay, away and all that. I just felt left out of all those Yesses, not I know I just have to read more!!! Enjoying every minute!!

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