Dwarf Pomegranate

Paramus, NJ

Should I bring in my pomegranate for the winter? This is a new one for me and I am not sure if it will survive the winter. Zone 6- Northern NJ. The nursery I purchased from had plenty growing in their permanent beds but I didn't get a chance to ask how to winter. Any help??

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Dizee, I know nothing about pomegranate's, but if you don't get an answer here, you might try the tree & shrub forum. there's some very knowlegeable folks there.


Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

My Western Garden Book says pomegranates grow from zone 5 up to their zone 24. It does say that in zones 5-6 to plant them against a south or west wall. My guess would be that they could be hardy in those zones but it is also chancy. WGB also says they can handle heat, so I would imagine the warmer you are, the better off they will be as a perennial shrub. Paramus can get some harsh winter months, so I would be careful with placement.

Paramus, NJ

Grampapa & Gardenmart
Thanks for your replys. I have not planted them on the southern side of my house, but am leaning toward bringing it in for the winter and seeing how that works. Maybe after a year or two and more establishment I can move it outdoors permanently.
Again Thank you

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