tell me it's not sick

East Point, GA(Zone 7b)

Please look at this pine tree trunk. I'd like to know if this is normal or if the tree is sick.

Thumbnail by Drewski
Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Is that sap coming out of a hole or is that sap running out all over the tree?

BTW you should keep your pictures in one post , not doing a double post.

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

I have seen them survive , its nothing to worry about,its weather related.

Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

We had one run with sap similarly several years ago. It survived and no longer does this. Never did figure it out. Sheila

Lyons, GA(Zone 8a)

Can you see where the sap is coming from? Is it a hole? Insect damage? Usually these big pines can take quite a beating. Remember, in the days of old, they used to "run turpentine" they would cut into the tree and nail a tin can under the injury and collect the sap for making turpentine.

I have seen a few very old trees still alive with the old scars from turpentining years ago. Also makes a good lightered stump after the tree is harvested.

If however it is insect damage, it could be bad. May need to get a tree surgeon to look at it.

Cumming, GA

Maybe your tree had a small lightning strike. We had a tree that looked similar. When we had a tree specialist out to check it and some other trees we asked him about the sap on the pine. Apparantly the tree had been hit by lightning. It's four years now and the tree is still standing but the bark is starting to flake off, woodpeckers have become especially fond of it and unfortunately there is a fair amount of saw dust at the base of the trunk. As the tree is far from the house and there's no danger to people or property we're just going to let if fall apart.

Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

i know nothing about trees but my husband works at a tree care company. he could probably tell you exactly whats wrong. i will get him to look at your picture tomorrow night when he is home.


Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

I had a pine hit by lightning, it blew strips of bark right off of it and blew a hole in the ground at the base. It ran sap but it was easy to see what happened to it. That was two years ago and the tree is still living but it doesn't have as many needles on it as the rest of mine.

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