Wasp behavior?

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

Can someone tell me why wasps, both black and red, and also dirt dobbers are gathering on my morning glory bushes and hanging around on the buds? This has been going on all summer. Earlier in the summer my morning glory bushes were beautiful and blooming regularly. Then I noticed this phenonmenon, and at the same time my buds had all dried up before opening and the leaves had yellow spots. Instead of blooming every day, the plant was dropping yellow leaves every day. I took some of the leaves and the dead buds to a local nursery where the owner had some sort of degree. She said the plants had some sort of blight that was a fungus and that the wasps didn't do it. So I sprayed for the fungus and fed the plants regularly and the are beautiful again with buds all over and many about to open. The wasps are back though (they really didn't hang around when they weren't blooming) and I am wondering what they are doing, and if they eat the flowers or somthing. It doesn't look like they are. But there are bunches of them and they just crawl all over the buds. Also wasps hang out in my hanging baskets. When I water they fly out but there are no nests because DH and I have checked. This is the first year I have noticed this behavior.

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Since wasps feed small caterpillars and cutworms (and other suitable insects and spiders) to their larvae (daubers place them in the nest, paralyzed, for future nibbling), they could be looking for them. But they might also be feeding on pollen or nectar. But the nursery person was correct - the wasps didn't cause the problem on your morning glory bushes.

Union City, CA(Zone 9b)

In Mexico - if you have alot of bugs they hang a piece of chicken fat to attract yellow jackets wasps, both black and red, and dirt dobbers .
When having a Pic-nic , I hang a piece of bacon and piece of chicken fat to attract yellow jackets wasps, both black and red, and dirt dobbers away from where we are .
They also take rose pettels to attract bees to plants / flowers .

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