I feel like a hostage in my own home

Ripley, MS

I for one am getting tired of having to sit inside, it is summer, I am not outside like I should be, this heat is getting on my nerves, how about everyone else, am I the only one that feels this way? I can only stay out a little while in the am and I spend most of that time trying to water some. I see so many things I want to do and have such grand plans for moving this and that now that our road is almost finished, I am ready to put some plants on the banks.
I know I sound like a spoiled child, so does anyone else want to have a little pity party???
I have been making jewelry, working on a scrapbook, even resorted to cleaning the house some. I stay busy most of the time but I just have this urge to go outside and play and I can't stand the heat.
Grumpy Sandra

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Well I should have dropped by to get you. I've spent the last 7 hours on the road. We went to Jackson, TN to meet a friend who already had one of my pups, she got another, then to Olive Garden for lunch, Home Depot for a Ryobi weed whacker, Sam's Club for dog food, grocery store, Wal-Mart because I forgot creamer for Bob's coffee and stopped at two roadside produce stands, got watermelon and tomatoes,

Now that we are home, I have a good 2 hours work ahead of me before I can relax. Just waiting a few minutes hopeful that the temperature will drop a little more so the Bullies can stay out longer while I water the plants.


Ripley, MS

Well next time come and get me,lol---Jerry has gone to his Moms to mow her yard and I told him he better wait until 7:30 to even crank the mower.
How far is it to Jackson from your house?

Philadelphia, MS(Zone 7b)

So you gave up on fixing the other weed eater? I had my DH look at the picture (he has "rescued" several weed eaters that others have thrown away and fixed them). He didn't have a clue. Well, actually, he had some ideas but I couldn't figure out how to put any of them in writing!

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

You won't believe what I finally figured out......

I bought it about 1999 and it hadn't been used 4 times. Bob is not good with mechanical things and couldn't get it started. A "friend" stopped by one day and in the process helped Bob get the riding lawn mower started. He took the Ryobi home to work on, brought it back put it in the storage shed and said he couldn't do anything with it. Recently we found a really good repairman so I suggested to Bob that it take it to him since we have all these attachments, pruner, blower, brush head (metal whacker) and the string head. The supposed friend switched Ryobis on us. I kept looking at it and thinking something is wrong.. sure enough this is not the one I purchased, even part of the casing was missing . Until I was operating on it, I hadn't looked at it. Some where along the line in my research I came across a date of 1995 and it dawned on me there was no way it was ours. We hadn't started building the house up here at that time. The good news is that man, was not someone we cared about and were relieved when he stopped coming around. Now we know why!!


This message was edited Aug 13, 2006 10:43 AM

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)


Jackson, TN is about 80 miles north of us. It takes about 1 1/2 hours to get there you know how these 2 lane roads are, which makes starting out slow.

Ripley, MS

I know it is about 2 hours from here, I haven't been up there in a long time though.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

It is getting rather frustrating, too hot to do anything major outside, and tired of sitting inside, so here I sit , on the computer LOL

I usually come in and out all day but never really getting anything accomplished during themiddle of the day.

I have lots of iris to plant in the ground from the coop, but it was so hot that I just put them in small pots to survive till I get a chance to put them in teh ground.

I am trying to get in an expansion of an exsisting flower garden in front of the greenhouse, and not getting too far, cause we're working on splitting wood early in the morning and heat comes in fast, not giving us enough time to get it all done before we have to quit for a while. And darn it, if it doesnt stay hot till dark thirty. It's awful, and I wonder what winter is going to be like.


Philadelphia, MS(Zone 7b)

And if the heat isn't enough, we've had several cases of West Nile Virus in our area. My DH keeps saying "its like this every summer" but I think this one has been worse than most. I just don't do summers well anymore. I remember the days when summer meant wearing shorts and halter tops and enjoying the sun and the water. Seems like a hundred years ago. I'm a good 60 lbs heavier, 30+ years older and these legs .....
Anyway, finding stuff to do inside now. I've been looking at recipes for cool, healthy drinks (low cal smoothies and such) this AM. Got to get the weight off but try to keep the energy. Trying to get some things rooted for the Roundup...hoping it works. I also want to dig some things up and pot to bring but the ground is so hard! "They" are saying our possibility of rain increases as the week goes by. Hope they know what they are talking about and hope it brings some cooler air with it.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I know, I really want to move, it's so much trouble though, I hate ARKANSAS in the summertime

Ripley, MS

The way the forecasters are talking this is going to be the "new Normal" in the years to come. I know if I am going to have any daylilies, I am going to have to have an irrigation system.

Starkville, MS

I heard an interesting item on TV the other day. It seems that the Earth has a wobble in its orbit and it is moving closer to the center of the galaxy and in 2012 it will be centered (happens once every 26,000 years. I haven't done any research on this, but I have to wonder how much this 'wobble' has to do with the change in the weather patterns. I may decide to change my whole concept about how and what I will try to grow here.

If the 100+ temps, and *no* rain are to be the "norm" I'm in serius trouble with my water association and my bank account!!!

Ripley, MS

Me too Ginni, I staye doutside until about 11 this morning watering stuff, just trying to keep it alive. A lot of our dogwood trees at the edge of the woods are wilted also.

Starkville, MS

sandra - wilted is better than brown. Wilt is a way to preserve water (less sun contact to the leaf surface), brown means there is no water to preserve! All of my dogwoods are wilted - along with most everything else, but I don't think, with all the watering, I will actually lose too much except this years blooms and seeds.

101.2 and still no rain...

Ripley, MS

It showed 105 on our porch today and it was still in the shade when that came up.
I am looking for 50 daylily seedlings in the mail tomorrow. I got about 30 holes ready today, filled them up with water about 4 times and let it soak in. I sure do dread seeing the next water bill.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

I started looking up high temps in years past. We aren't sitting many record highs and if we do it's for the day, not compared against other days in the month. If the data is correct that means these heat waves are just part of our history that we have conveniently forgotten. The 1930's (DustBowl), 1950's, and 1980's were high record setting periods.

This is a very good article for those who are concerned that our climate is changing forever. http://info.detnews.com/history/story/index.cfm?id=134&category=life I believe it's going to be just what isn't always been, highs and lows.


This message was edited Aug 8, 2006 6:26 PM

Ripley, MS

Maybe I am just getting way too old to cope with it then--lol
What do you think??? Could that be my problem, Quick everyone come to my house in the morning and see if that is my prob, don't forget, bring shovels and extra water hose--ok??

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)


You wrote: "I am looking for 50 daylily seedlings in the mail tomorrow"

Miss Nosey here wants to know if they arrived and if so what was there condition.... It's 107F with a Heat Index of 112, so are they fried???

I know, I know if I was a true friend I would be down at your place at 6 AM in the morning to help you set them out.


Ripley, MS

They did arrive in perfect condition. I have all of them in the ground but about 3 little clumps. I have been working on the holes for 2 days, digging them and then filling them with water. I filled them all again today about 3 times before the mail ran, then I got busy and got them out. I am putting these out on the bank, the road crew is finished with all the banks and that is why I got them, they are not named, but the guy I got them from put his hybridizer numbers on them and I can look at them on his site. Only had to pay postage for them. He was finished evaluating them and these are the "no keepers" still very pretty and he needed more room for new seeds from this years harvest. Most of them had 4 and 5 fans and there were 41 different ones.
The box was knee high and only had some newspaper in there with them, had holes in the box. They were dug Sat, mailed Monday and I got them today. I am so happy to have them, but boy am I tired--lol-- I think I can handle the rest of them, if I can only find a spot where I can get my shovel into this baked earth--lol--you can still come to see me if you want

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)


So proud for you, what a great thing to get in the mail!!! Just can't wait to see pictures of all your blooms next spring.


Ripley, MS

I know I can hardly wait either. I thought for a while we were going to get some rain and we did--about 10 drops--then it was over.
Poor Kathy Ann bless her she is such a sweet person, I hate she got hurt so bad

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

If it doesn't cool down soon,jungle sounds will soon be coming from my yard. I'll have to get a pith helmet,porters and bush beaters just get from one part of the yard to the other. I've already worn out another set of points on the wells. Sprinklers run daily. It's just too darn hot to mow but I'm going to have break down and get it done.....not something I'm looking forward too since the yard is an acre and a half. Luckly there's lots of flowerbeds so not a lot of grass but I have to use a walk behind mower because the way the flowerbeds are laid out to form rooms and you can't turn a riding mower in most parts.The side that's got the most grass has about a 12 ft grade drop so I get a good work out pushing that blasted mower up a gentle grade that turns into Mt Everest when you have to mow it in the summer.


Olive Branch, MS(Zone 7b)

Mowing in this heat - grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Wait until late in the day and drink lots of water. Maybe you could plant ditch lilies on Mt. Everest?

Ripley, MS

Put a wet towel on your head, that will help, if you gotta get out. I put those daylilies out yesterday and it wiped me out, I am staying inside today.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Finally gritted my teeth yesterday and got started on the mowing. Didn't get it all done but now you can see the veggie garden...which is all grown up too except where I laid down black plastic to plant fall veggie...which needs to get done soon.

Still lots to do in the greenhouses. Trying to get the majority of early season bloomers back into greenhouse before it's time to start getting ready for the street party so I don't have to run around like a chicken with his head cut off when it's time to put it to bed for winter.Graveyard for Oct. party will go onto the area of nursery that's for parking.Just as I was drifting off last night I realized I could take the old concrete forms hub's gave me to use as benches,stack them up and dress them up to look like crypts(sp?)I can take the concrete cylinders,stack some on end 3-4 high on each corners to look like columns. I'm a wizzard w/ cardboard boxes,spray paint,duct tape so I can make embelishments to tack to them for an even creepier effect....sorry...got off on a brain spin there.

This morning I'm going to pull weeds in the beds directly in front of the new room until ladies arrive for today's workout session...legs...won't be doing much after that except,working on wording for the flyers for our Oct.street party and making a list of supplies and novelties to order,ploting out and drawing a design for the haunted graveyard. Gotta find someone with a kareoke machine.

Cleaned house Monday,only the two of us and 4 dogs now that DGD has gone home so house stays pretty clean until Monday after hub's been home for the weekend.Frig needs cleaning but....Eeuuuwww! That's housework. Need to make up a scedule for fall exercise sessions. Will be adding 6pm.class on Tues.,Thur. and Sat. Hope one of the ladies that started the am classes will be ready to come to the front so they can demo exercise as I walk around the room instructing or I'll be one wore out momma after 6 straight days of sessions.


Philadelphia, MS(Zone 7b)

Its official - I'm Just LAZY

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)


Did you get all the storms like we did??


Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)


I've been lazier than you by far this week!!!

That reminds me of a fight I had to break up once, two women were in the middle of the street arguing over who was most retarded and I was trying to drive down the street, line of traffic etc. The strangest thing I ever saw, but one of them got hold of a hammer, so .... I simply got out of my car went to them and said, this has gone far enough, let me have the hammer and ya'll get of the middle of the street before someone calls the cops and you both get run in. She gave me the hammer and they went to the sidewalk.

It would only happen in Midtown Memphis!!! Bob and I have laughed over that scene many times and when we get a little disgusted with the other's behavior, we'll say the following and start laughing... "I'm more retarded than you are!!"

Have a good day,


This message was edited Aug 11, 2006 9:29 AM

This message was edited Aug 13, 2006 10:42 AM

Ripley, MS

We got wonderful rain, last night and this am too. It sure looks funny outside today with everything wet--lol

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Storms? Storms? Ok,nobody else gets any more rain until I do!

I had to take a knife away from a girl once so she wouldn't slice and dice our friends son. I don't know if she was high or retarded.....or maybe I was retarded for approching someone that might have been high with a knife. Probably wouldn't have done it had she had a gun. A knife I can dodge....I ain't faster than a speeding bullet.


Ripley, MS

I would share if I could, we got a nice rain and they are forecasting more for us, I hope you get some too.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

We were promised 1" of rain from weatherman last night....HE LIED! It's been overcast,even Funder(my oldest GD called when she was just a wee one)and lightening last night late. Overcast this am but I've gotten wetter from a conversation with a juicy talker than what we got this morning. At least it made it cool enough to finish the mowing....but not the edging or weeding before I putter out.


Philadelphia, MS(Zone 7b)

I was ready to shout - Glory! again last night but the rain only lasted for 5 minutes here. We had loads of thunder and lightening (had to unplug everything because it got so close) but not enough rain to get through the mulch. On and off clouds today, but no rain.
It turns out that the rain I was so excited about Wednesday was only 2/10 of an inch. No wonder everything was still wilted the next afternoon! (I had to call my FIL to get accurate measurement - my rain gauge is caput)

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Looks like it's back to dragging sprinklers around again.The driveway barely got wet on what fell out of the sky yesterday morning. We drove into town yesterday around 11:30 am. It was raining on the main road ...Ack!

Thank goodness we're on well water. I certainly couldn't afford to water otherwise.Hub's says we'll be putting the in ground sprinkler system in this fall. Yeah,yeah...I've been hearing that for the past 5yrs.

I'm wishing for winter.....mid-winter I'll be wishing for spring.


Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)


Looks like you need to order more daylilies, just in case that's why you got the rain.


Ripley, MS

I might should do that Judy, it sure was a blessing for us.
I have a lot I need to get the engery up to move, I have them marked, that is as far as I have gotten.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

oh, speaking of day lillies, if they manage to survive the drought, I bought 3 stella d'oro daylillies in the spring. Now I have 4 or 5 and my DH hates them all. Something about them causes him to have this irresistable urge to grab the weed whacker and tame that overgrown grass. Should I bring these to the mid South roundup in Tupelo?

Ripley, MS

I am sure someone might want them. I have plenty myself. Sometimes they do look like overgrown grass don't they.

-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

I sure am missing being in here talking with y'all! Hopefully I'll have RoadRunner installed on Thursday, then I'll jump back in for sure! Keep your fingers crossed :) + + + + + +

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)


So did you get a good soaking rain? How are the new daylilies doing? Isn't this weather wonderful!!


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