Does anyone get Zebra Swallowtails on their Pawpaws???

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi everybody--

I just read about the Pawpaw tree and how the Zebra Swallowtails Butterflies will use it for a larval host plant here in the ORV.

Has anyone noticed a lot of Zebra Swallowtails around their trees? And how does the Pawpaw tree grow for you?

I noticed we can order a Pawpaw tree from the Hamilton County Parks Department for pick up at Woodland Mound Park in September....

I also read you can make Pawpaw wine, preserves, chutney etc., etc., from the fruits. Didn't know that.

Maybe I should post this in the trees forum... but thought I'd try here first... thanks. t.

Athens, OH

We have wild paw paw trees in the back yard.
It takes several years before they bare fruit. The ones with fruit are about 10-15 feet tall.

Acoording to one site: The Zebra Swallowtail butterfly's larvae feed exclusively on young, pawpaw foliage, but never in great numbers.

Fun fact:
1. The pawpaw is the largest edible fruit native to America
2. SE Ohio (Albany) is the home of the Paw Paw Festival:
September 16th & 17th, 2006


PS Saw my first Monarch catepillar today on the milweed (about 1.5" long).

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks rox--

I am going to look around our woods for Pawpaws.

The thing is, I'm not sure what they look like but looked them up on Google images. I think I know what the fruit looks like.

One site said they grow around moist areas and streams...

I looked at the Pawpaw Festival site and it looked interesting. There is also a foundation for Pawpaws in KY.

Do you get Zebras on your trees?

Do you make Pawpaw preserves? LOL

I had no idea they were so important. ;-)

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)


You may have already found this site by googling, but for more than anyone needs to know about Asimina triloba, visit the KY State University site, where they've had ongoing pawpaw research activity for over a decade.

Pawpaws are endemic to many parts of KY, and often occur in the understory of woodlands on moist soils near creeks and streams. This isn't an exclusive condition, though. My property is relatively upland, and neighboring woodlands harbor pawpaw on soils that turn off pretty dry this time of year. The parks in Louisville are absolutely lousy with them (KY translation: there's a lot).

These plants tend to form colonies over time, so recognize that behavior when you site them in the landscape. Individually, in full sun pawpaws are fine little specimens and this plant makes up as one of the most uniform shaped outline trees (next to the infamous lollipop Bradford pear) without any human assistance. The rather tropical magnolia-ish shaped foliage is distinctive from most other small trees; once you spot it, you'll not confuse it with anything else.

Here's a young 2" caliper transplant from May 2005; note the copious flowers even at this age, and the very uniform branching habit.

Thumbnail by ViburnumValley
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

I have a pair of Paw Paw seedlings for you.
I got them from Esther but can't fit them into the space.


Athens, OH

I haven't seen the Zebs around the paw paws. I honestly I haven't looked for them there. But I do see a few every year in the garden. :-)


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Well, thanks, Ric! Shall I run over tomorrow with the EE from rox and pick up the pawpaws? Let me know.


Thank you for the pawpaw information. I'm going to ask the park ranger where they are in our park. I feel sure they must be all over the place, too. I have to admit I haven't seen many zebra swallowtails around though.

You don't say if you get Zebra Swallowtails on yours? That's why I want them. Not so I can make chutney!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Sounds good t!
We will be home till late afternoon.
Anytime from 10AM on sounds good.
We are in the middle of a big garden make-over so the yard's a mess.

Don't worry we (like Chele) don't allow Company to help. LOL!
Call if you need directions.

Southwest, OH(Zone 6a)

One of my favorite artists is John Ruthven who is also known as the "20th century Audubon". He lives in Brown County and also has a gallery there. He has lots of paw paw trees at his place and has a few paintings with birds and animals with paw paws.
I have some note cards with his painting of a raccoon in the paw paw tree. It is one of my favorites.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

OK. Sounds good. I will give you a call, Ric, before I run over. Thanks.

Moonlit--interesting that you bring up John Ruthven....I don't have any of his pawpaw renderings, but I do have a few of his bird illustrations from the '60s somewhere in packing boxes (which I found in an antiques co-op in Pasadena a number of years ago ) and I have his 'bluebirds' framed on the mantel in the family room from my mother's home.

I haven't been to his gallery in Georgetown, but we will have to check it out. There is another 'studio' in a wonderful old white brick house out that way (on 50 I think)--I wonder what artist is there? Anybody know?

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Sounds like a plan t!
Check the insurance link on moonlit's link.
Some of John Ruthven's stuff is rocketing.

I met him once at a Duck's Unlimited meeting many years ago and a few years ago at the Nature Center.
Recently we saw him on a TV Special.
He's VERY interesting guy!


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

He must be awfully well respected as a wild life illustrator. Wonderful opportunity to get to meet him.

Well...Now you have me interested. I looked at the Ruthven on the mantle and it's "New York State Bluebirds" 240/1000 and signed in pencil--couldn't find anything about it google-ing but I know it's from the '60s or before. I also have a Red-headed Woodpecker in storage which is really nicer and some lesser ones.

The Ruthven I like, though, is the 'Ohioana' cover illustration --- especially if that is Cincinnati in the background--although I suspect it is Columbus!

We saw his "Ivory Billed Woodpecker" at the Cincinnati Nature Center this spring. We thought it was great but had no idea about the significance of it at the time.

Southwest, OH(Zone 6a)

He spoke to our Garden Club meeting last year and as he spoke he drew an extinct Carolina Parakeet in a paw paw tree. He had the drawing in charcoal or pencil done within one hour of talk. We then framed it and raffled it off. It was beautiful.

He just recently led a bicycle charity event thru Brown County. He loves to talk to groups and many times does it for free. He loves to talk about the bir

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Moonlit--how do you find out about all of these interesting events and personalities around here? You're always up to date on what's going on (and thanks for telling me/us about it!)

Good news on the Pawpaw. Ric and Robyn 'traded' me a couple of Pawpaw seedlings and I have them planted in my yard along with three of R &R's very nice ferns for my shade garden. No zebra swallowtails yet, although I'm looking!

Thanks so much, R and R, for the tour and good visit yesterday! Now, what can I 'trade' to you?!! I'll keep a look out for something interesting that will work in your yarden re-modeling plan. I can't believe all the work you are undertaking (in this heat!)

I go out twice a day to take my 'butterfly count' and so far several swallowtails--eastern tiger yellow and dark forms, and I believe a few monarchs, and another very interesting BF that I can't ID have visited. Interestingly, they are not too interested in my Buddleias (and I may follow VV's advice and remove them at the end of the season and replace with something native.)

I may have to go on a DG 'sabbatical' so I can root for the Reds vs. the Cards this week. We are going to the game Wednesday night.

Happy gardening everyone.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Ric! You bum! Like I threw you in the pond and MADE you catch fish! LOL I just found this post. You are something! Did you make Judy get dirty? LOL

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh, Oh.

Did I get somebody in trouble?! LOL

And, by the way, Badseed, my DH and I helped R & R clean out the pond, move the vines around, cut some bamboo, and washed and waxed the car!! Altogether a great visit! Too bad you missed it!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Ummm PINOCCHIO! LOL I am going to need pictures of you doing at least one of those jobs! LOL

Oh, are you coming by here to pick up a couple hundred elephant ears and take them to Athens? snicker giggle :)

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

We did make them carry plants to the car!
And forced them to eat grape tomatoes we stole from our neighbor.
(That giant Black Russian tasted like Ketchup to me.)

t there is NO way I could get in more trouble w/ Chele than I aready am in!
We've been hammering each other for what 15 years now Chele?

The only bad thing was the visit was early in the day.
The Mimosa hadn't gotten into the sun yet.
After you guys left the hummers and the B-flys started popping in.
At one point we had 4 different butterflies and 6 hummers at once.
They had a royal battle until dusk.
I had never realized that hummers vocalize until this year.
When the males fight they chirp about as fast as their wings move. lol


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

I forgot to add we got the HT space ready for fiiling after you left.
The Hosta, Ferns and Astilbe got planted and bed lext to it thinned out and enlarged.
A VERY nice day!


Thumbnail by henryr10
Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Well, it has actually been 17 years! I was barely 21 when we met. :)

Forced them to eat stolen tomatoes?? Mmmm hmmm....

Funny that you should mention vocal hummers! I've never heard more than the little motor running when they are near. Just a couple of hours ago, I was outside by myself (no, the kids were not bound and gagged!) and slid into the pool after cleaning up the back porch. I kept hearing a tiny chirping and it was a single hummer on the double pink rose of sharon bush. It roved around there for a bit, hit two hanging baskets with red salvia in them then took off over the house. I sat there asking myself if I ever knew they chirped. LOL I talk to myself often.

Athens, OH

What's this about bringing hundreds of EE to Athens?

I am VERY intrigued!
Are you still looking for a place to overwinter your EE? Or is Santa coming with some EE for me? LOL

I can watch some EE for you this winter. Plus a friend who has a GH might be interested in sharing heating costs for her GH and in exchange can watch some EE.
Let me know.


Southwest, OH(Zone 6a)

Wow Ric! You certainly have been busy. I see some good sized leaves there for cement leaves. I hope to make some at the end of the month or so. Will let you know.

Tabasco - Being in Real Estate, I am always trying to keep up with whatever is happening around areas of town. Everything from new businesses coming in to town happenings and things to do. I read a lot of newspapers, internet and just simply word of mouth. The comments you and others have posted regarding some of your local day trips are kept in my file box. If I have relocating customers, I share these with them. A lot of time they are afraid to move thinking there is nothing to do here. I am glad you like them. I only wish I had time to visit some of them.

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