Big time re-arranging this fall

(Zone 4a)

Oh I have so many ideas now for my gardens....not really into getting more plants but just making better use of my space with the plants I have. I will be re-arranging one of my planters for sure. I guess when I planted some stuff I didn't expect it to expand as much as it did. I want to do this in the fall so I can just enjoy my garden next spring with minimal work. Get all the big stuff done this year and enjoy it more next year :) I went to crazy in purchasing perennials this year - I just coudln't hold myself back hehehe.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Dawn, that is the theory for a lot of us. Never seems to actually get there for me. Then I realized I'd be bored if it did! Its a question of enjoying the ride.
Good luck with your make-over!

(Zone 4a)

I know what you mean Dave....I suppose the work is never really done but I am hoping to do less of the planting stuff next year - just maintenance. I have 2 little girls so it doesn't always leave me a lot of time for gardening. Some nights I am just too wiped out to do anything but take a tour of my yard. It is so very exciting though.

Hey I planted a scabiosa in the spring and it has got to be at least 4 feet tall. Is this normal??? I am sure it will be blooming in the next week or least it looks like it is going to.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

My scabiosa never got that tall. I wonder if its a different cultivar?

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

My scabiosa never got that tall. I wonder if its a different cultivar?

I just checked on Bluestone. Their scabies range from 6" to 15". You have a freak!

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