What is my fern and what does it need?

Frenchtown, NJ

I have been a plant killer for most of my life, but recently have had some limited success in getting a few of my favorite plants to live. One day I ran across the strange fern in the picture and fell in love with it. It was not in good shape when I bought it because it had been sitting out at a country auction for several days in the sun and seemed to be sunburned.

When I got it home, I placed it in our kitchen where most of my plants seem to like the gentle morning sun. The fern really did seem to recover from it's sunburn quite well, but then it proceeded to continue to develop brown frond spots. Talking to a friend about what this strange creature might want, he suggested that it might want even less sun, so I moved it to our living room where it gets no direct sun at all, and it seems to be doing much better. It is doing so well that it seems to want to take over the entire room.

The fern presently still has some of it's burned fronds from it's time in the kitchen, but the new fronds are getting much bigger and seem to not be browning.

I would appreciate someone's advice in how to better take care of this baby, and what species of fern it is. The fern has very large fronds with ruffled edges, the new growth has a blue tint, and it has funny, hairy, fuzzy feet that seem to want to get outside the pot.

Thanks for the help.

Thumbnail by frenchtowner
Frenchtown, NJ

Another picture of the fern.

Thumbnail by frenchtowner
SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I would say it's the "Hairy Foot, Man-Eater..."

Monroe, NC(Zone 7b)

I am waiting to see if there are other suggestions!

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Polypodium aureum 'mandaianum'....also known by the common name 'Blue fern'....they are a beautiful fern, aren't they?

I have one of these myself, and in my experience, it prefers more light rather than less when grown indoors.

Mine loses nearly all it's fronds during the winter indoors, and recovers/regrows when I place it outdoors....it seems to really enjoy warmth and humidity.

I place it on my rear deck where it gets indirect morning sun and fairly bright light (but no direct sun) in the afternoon.

Coral Springs, FL(Zone 10b)

try this site, if this is this bears paw fern then it might help...
Also if you remove the browned fronds the plant might have a better chance to recover...

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