What wisteria?

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

What wisteria keeps blooming???
this is its start of its 3rd bloom cycle this year....
It can't be normal....LOL

Thumbnail by crestedchik
Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

I have one in my yard that is still blooming. I looked out across the yard and there were some huge blooms. I could not get next to itt o take a picture due to the yard being irrigated. I am hoping the blooms still look good today when I get home!!!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Cosider yourself lucky! All mine's doing is trying to take over the world...or at least eat my house...lol

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

I do consider myself lucky. I have 3 and it is the only one that looks like it will make it here in the desert. :o)

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Mine never bloomed more than once for me, but was a nursery near my old house that had a nice one out front and I would see it bloom on and off for much of the year. No idea why some do that and some don't though.

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

guess I lucked out
I have it in a large pot and it was blooming very early spring in the GH

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

i can't get mine to bloom at all. it is at least 3 years old and has never bloomed. any ideas what could be wrong?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Ashley, there are a couple possibilities. First, was it grown from seed or from cuttings? Seed grown ones can take many years before they bloom. Cuttings they'll usually bloom sooner but I think sometimes they can still take several years. Second, have you been pruning it, and if so, when? They bloom on old wood, so if you've been pruning them in fall/winter/early spring you might be pruning off the buds. Third would be the growing conditions--is it getting enough sun?

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

ecrane, i bought two at a nursery and i want to say they were blooming when i bought them. i don't remember though because it was so long ago. they are growing on an arbor in full sun. this summer was the first time i started trimming it back. i ignore it for the most part. i've never fertilized it. could that be the problem.
also, i know there are two different types. i just recently bought two of the evergreen kind and they have been blooming all summer...still in the pot. is the pruning the same for this variety?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

The evergreen kind is an entirely different genus, Millettia (I'm guessing you have Millettia reticulata? That's the most common species) I don't know too much about this one, but since it's a different genus there's a very good chance the pruning rules are different.

If your others were blooming when you bought them, and if you're not pruning too late in the year then I'm not sure what's going on--often the first year they're in the ground they'll be busy putting out new roots/leafy growth but after that I'm not sure--wisterias can be really picky though, sometimes you'll think all the conditions are right and they still won't bloom reliably. Fertilizer might help but I don't know for sure--I never fertilized mine and it bloomed fine. Hopefully someone else who knows some more tricks with them will come along--the only things I know are what I already said about needing sun, you shouldn't prune too late, and they can sometimes take a while to bloom.

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

i didn't know they were from different genuses (is that even a word?). thanks for all the info. :o))

Denver, CO

Japanese Wisteria (floribunda) cultivar. "Texas Purple" or another.

Midway, TX(Zone 8b)

My wisteria is several years old now and it blooms off and on (a few blooms) all summer long. I got a good rooted cutting from a wisteria that had to be about 35 yrs. old or older. I have no idea the name or cultivar.

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