Asiatic Lilies

Evans, GA(Zone 7b)

I grew these in pots this year. They bloomed in June and the stems have now dried out. I would like to transfer them to the yard. There was a very good article about them in Southern Living (June, I think), but I wonder if this is a good time to transplant or if they need a resting period in the refrigerator (like now?) and if so, for how long?

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i have never refrigerated mine after planting. they seem to come up every year. unless the voles get them first but i am putting wire around every thing from now on.

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I let my lily pots just stay as they are - give them a bit of water and fertilizer and by late fall they will have died back like the ones in the ground. They do just fine in the pots outside in a protected area. These are in clay pots, not glazed pots that might freeze.

I do have to plant one large pot of lilies this fall as they have overgrown the pot. I will dump out the pot, separate the bulbs and plant them all but three or four big bulbs which will go back into the pot with fresh potting soil. Probably in September or early October.

It is really nice to have pots of blooming lilies to bring up to the patio. I like the big clay pots with the straight sides that are called "lilly pots". You can find them at Home Depot. Any pot with a wide base will do. Here is a picture of one similar to mine:

Thumbnail by sterhill
Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

This is good to know. I had bought several bags of lily bulbs and now I'm trying to find a place for all of them. I didn't know about the lily pots. I'll look for them next trip out.

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Me also, I have them in pots and in the ground and both do quite well.

Thomson, GA

I planted them both ways and all did very well. I'll probably go broke buying lily bulbs for next year, putting them in every spare spot of ground. Wish they would bloom year 'round!

Cordele, GA

Lilies are like the bearded iris for me. It is so hot here that the show doesn't last long but I can not do without it. I would love a list of what does well for other folk in this climate as I am planning to keep adding and would like to know that I am getting seasoned performers.

So far I have Grand Cru and Fata Morgana (I think) that have been very good I added pink Perfection, Regal, African Queen, and Black Beauty. I was a bit disappointed in Pink Perfection and African Queen. The first to bloom of each was richly colored, however the bulbs that bloomed just three weeks later were rather washed out in color. I don't know if it was the fact that these are strains rather than clones, or if the increased heat got to them.

Does anyone have experience of the orientals in zone 8? I love them but the literature indicates that they like it cooler than I can provide. What have you folk found to be true?


lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

I purchased several in a coop on here a few years back. Asiatic and Oriental and the Oriental just never blooms. The Asiatic on the other hand has been beautiful and spreads more every year.

Thomson, GA

I have some areas that get some sun but partial shade, and the asiatic lilies did not get very tall, but bloomed beautifully and colors did not fade. They were some of the last to bloom, actually have some that haven't bloomed yet because they were planted late, but they will bloom soon. I am thinking about extending that bed and filling it with asiatics, as it is in an area that can be seen from the road ( corner lot) and from our deck. The few orientals I had did just okay. I want to try more of them.

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

My Casa Blancas and Scheherazade are the star lilies of my garden. They get full, all day sun - as the tree they were near got cut down. Most are over 5' tall and really loaded with blooms. I was surprised how much sun they could take. They do have their "feet" shaded with lady ferns for the most part.

Georgiaredclay - maybe you don't have them in enough sun?

Evans, GA(Zone 7b)

Well, I transplanted the lilies from pots to the ground yesterday. Southern Living suggested different grades of gravel to keep the voles away, but I never got around to purchasing any, so I used broken eggshells that I have been saving, instead. Of the six bulbs I had, two had already rotted away, so I couldn't wait any longer. These Asiatic Lilies were a pink/white/red variety and bloomed well - unfortunately, mostly while I was on vacation so I didn't get the full benefit. I've ordered white ones to put in this Fall - which are my favorite.

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