Opinions, Please!!??

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

A colonoscopy could be life saving - like a mammogram! You are completely out, don't have any pain afterwards....the only uncomfortable part is the prep, as fly said. You have to drink a bunch of liquid (now comes in flavors, thank goodness) the night before to clean yourself out. (Lots of potty going on!) The rest is a breeze. I have had several. I have heard there are some pills you can take that do the same thing as the liquid, but my doctor wouldn't go that direction! Do it!!

Bolivar, TN(Zone 7a)

I get ticked off when the county highway dept. mows down the Queen Anns Lace and other wild flowers along our property line because lightening bugs rest and feed on QGL. I would be really ticked off if someone came onto our property and put Roundup on some of my plants. I was upset when a neighbor's girlfriend was doing about 60 or 70 down the road one night and swerved to miss a deer, lost control and plowed one of our dogwoods completely out of the ground and skinned the bark off another tree. I wanted to send a bill to her ins. co., but my hubby wouldn't let me. Mature dogwood trees are expensive if you buy one in a plant nursery. We "own" 32 acres with a long road frontage and mature woods. One of my biggest fears is that when we are gone for a wk. or so that some logger will come up from MS and cut all our trees. I have heard that it has happened from time to time here in TN. I would be beyond ticked off. I would be in a bad hurting mood. Don't know if I could live again with neighbors cheek to jowl like people do today. We cherish our privacy.

Pittsboro, NC(Zone 7a)

The colonoscopy isn't bad; at least, I didn't think so. They didn't put me all the way out, although dr. said most patients sleep through the procedure. Instead, I watched it on the monitor and sang "Moon Shadow" for the doctor! He and the nurse were both lovin' it, I'm sure! LOL Didn't go to sleep, but had a good time! LOL

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

LC2, that would have ticked me off about the Dogwood too!

Iw, the first one I had was like that, they called it 'twilight', I felt really good (their drugs)considering the situation. I didn't sing but I watched, in fascination, the monitor.......good times lol.

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Ah - they put me all the way out. Must not have liked my singing! LOL

LC2 - You should have billed the insurance company. They would have had to determine the $ value and paid something. It would not have been nearly as much as that tree was worth to you, but at least you could have gotten some little satisfaction.

Tacoma, WA(Zone 8b)

Interesting thread. Combining the two main ideas, perhaps you could cut down the offending china berry, take it to your neighbor's house & offer to give the curmudgeon an ansthesia - free colonoscopy with it if he ever sets foot on your property again:)

Speaking of Pollyannas, didn't Katie Couric have a colonoscopy on national television a few years back?

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

LOL Herpst!

She did, her dh died of colon cancer. She's a brave woman!

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Herpst - What a great solution! Now if I could find a representative for Symantec that lived in the US and spoke Emglish, I could take my computer and....Oh! That's another thread!

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Herpst ~ Well said! Sprayed a drink of water all over the keyboard. At least it didn't come out thru the nose...
By the way, who was speaking of Pollyannas : )))) ?

Scott, LA(Zone 8b)

You might mention to your neighbor (the wife) that you hope that it was an accident that her husband poisoned your newly planted bed, but if he kills anymore of your plants that he will receive a bill for the replacement value. This should be documented incase he is the type to sneek on your property to poison the plants. I have a mother-in-law that lives next door and whenever I went to work she would come into my fenced in yard and help herself to whatever she needed. My solution was, my husband acquired a bordercollie mix dog that did not let people come on our property without us home. She is scared to death of this dog.

As for the medical procedure, I have had two colonscopies. The first I had to drink that ucky liquid. I was knocked out and did not remember anything afterward. No pain. They did however, find a precancerous polyp and removed it. The second time I took pills instead of liquid and was again knocked out. No pain and a clean bill of health. Highly recommend this procedure.

Good Luck on both

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I wonder if anyone has had the procedure with a "block" type of med. I have a fear of being "put to sleep" as I had an "out of body" experience at 18 when having my wisdom teeth removed in a hospital!!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I eat frosted Mini Wheats almost every day, or oatmeal. I eat lots of fruit, nuts and vegetables. I try to walk every day. I'm 49, but next year I'll start hearing the C word. When my bowel habits change, then I'll consider it. Meanwhile, FIBER and walking! The best medicine!!!

LC2, I hear you!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Damage the chinaberry on several limbs and paint it with a posion ivy weed killer. You may have to do this several times but it will work.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm talking about a little tree...like 1 foot tall...but I can['t see where it grows from the ground as it's inside a rock wall! I always cut off a limb to wherever I see it coming out. Can y'all believe I went out there this morning and it is growing out of the black plastic garbage bag!!! That is the most tenacious tree I've ever seen!!!!

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Connie - the meds they use today are far advanced over the ones they used when we were younger - unless you're only 19 or 20! Please don't be afraid of the procedure. You really do want to be all the way out. You fall asleep, you wake up, and you go home. Seems like minutes.

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

This thread confuses me at times, might be that I was out of town for a few days.

As to the neighbor. I am with the people who suggest talking to him as if he didn't know he was killing your plants and let him know you want to get rid of the tree, but not kill the plants at the same time and that you are working on it. I was going to use the black plastic trick on a shrub rose that I am trying to get rid of I wonder if it will come through the plastic as well.

I have had two two colonoscopies as well. I had precancerous polyps removed and was very glad that the second one was clear. Both times I drank the yucky stuff unfortunately it is hard to do the procedure without clearing you out. That was the hard part. For both they gave me meds to make me very drowsy, but not out of it. I asked to watch the screen and found it so interesting I sort of forgot about what was happening. The coffee afterwards tasted so good, I don't like to go without my morning coffee.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Zen....I understand...I think I "hijacked" my own thread with another topic!! haha

Thanks all for the reassuring words about the diagnostic colonoscopy. I do dread it, but I guess it beats the alternative!

West Central, FL(Zone 9b)

Connie I'm sorry the "tree" is being so stubborn!
The plastc has always worked for me. I always used very thick plastic .
It must be getting plenty of water from somwhere. I'm suprised the Tx heat hasn't killed it.
You might try Jeri's idea and still keep the plastic on it.


Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

I have HORRIBLE, cranky old abutters that have come danerously close to my property with a ride-on mower, a weed-whaker, whatever.

I have an idea, albeit a passive-aggressive one: buy some cheap, cheesey-looking plastic flowers from your local dollar store. Stick them near his rocks. Hopefully, he'll ask you to remove them (hope he gets good and frothed up about it), and tell him you will when he stops spraying Roundup. He may just steal them. In that case, if things got ugly, you'd "have" him on a trespassing charge; maybe get a photo of him on your property. Communities can issue orders for him to stay off.

Unfortunately, I live in THE most over-priced county in the country: Essex. It's beautiful here, but real estate is sky-high. We fight like Hatfields and McCoys over our properties. I have had 2 lawsuits with our abutters; I've won each, luckily.

Scott, LA(Zone 8b)

Hi ya'll

One more suggestion, if nothing seems to get through to him try putting up a NO TRESPASSING sign. Get one that says violators will be prosecuted. I would use this as a last resort so that if you do need to bring him to court you have done what is necessary and he is deliberately damaging your property. You have the law on your side. I know you don't want any friction but you need to protect your property and documenting everything that happens will be the smartest thing to do. Hopefully this was a mistake on his part and he will not do it again if it is brought to his attention. He just might not realize the problem he caused. He might be someone who does not like landscapeing more than the basics. Let us know what happens. Try using many layers of newspapers and then black plastic on top. Just a thought, I am into Bonsai and would probably try to bonsai it just to see the effect it would have. LOL If you have ever looked into Bonsai Books they do have trees growing out of rocks. Could be worth lots of $$$.


This message was edited Aug 26, 2006 7:44 AM

This message was edited Aug 28, 2006 5:20 AM

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)


Good idea....he will have no idea if it's for him or for the cats and deer that try to come through that area! haha
(It will start him thinking....and so I'm off to the hardware store tomorrow!!!)

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

I have 2 cotton wood growing part on my property and the neighbors, I have asked dh to have them cut down for years and he always says NO. My dad told me to get some copper nails and nail them into the tree, The copper nails will kill them. But we got new neighbors and they are going to cut them down once their garden is done. I talked to a couple of other ppl and they said the same thing my dad did. I don't know why putting copper nails into a tree will kill it, but they swear it works. If all else has failed, give it a try. Don't know how long it will take but hey if it will work and who knows may kill the main source too. Let me know if you try this and what the results are.

BTW great name lol

Boerne new zone 30, TX(Zone 8b)

I don't have the problem with the neighbor killing my stuff but do have the problem with him coming down on MY property to get to some of HIS property. I plan on planting either rose bushes or blackberries there so he can't come down there anymore.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I'll send you some Smilax ~ our famous 'wait a minute' vine. Also know as green briar. Tis wicked!

Boerne new zone 30, TX(Zone 8b)

really? sound nice actually *giggle

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Connie.....I could try it but the "tree" is so tiny, I don't know how I could drive the nail in! It's inside a rock wall...I'll have to take a CU pic of it soon...but I could try!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Ah...just got it...I"m slow tonight....CONNIE!!!

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

hey Cnnie,

I have to agree if one of the earlier posts. Get the sign!

If later on you have to take the guy to court, in liberal Austin, with no signs sayinng "keep out, Trespassing" then you will lose the case. Also i would check with the city records and make sure whose property that wall Really sits on. If it is his, well then he can do what he wants as long as he doesn't enter you property doing it. If it is on your side of the Property line then that wall is yours. If he paid for the wall and has the receipt then the judge can either order him to move the wall............ giving you more yard to garden hehehehe........... or have him give up on the rights to the wall. either way I see it in your favor. Just get the sign up ASAP. This comes from your friend A COP.


Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks, Calvin!!!!! I'm headed to the NE...hope I don't run into hurricanes!!!

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

good luck Connie.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Cegoins, I've heard of the copper nail too, but someone on another thread says it doesn't work.

Southern, NJ(Zone 6b)

I don't understand why you wouldn't just talk to your neighbor instead of harboring hostility over your dead plant.

I suggest you not try to pull any part of that plant out. If your tugging on it loosens the "glue" of whatever kind is holding those boulders together and the wall collapses, even if it takes a while, I think you will lose a lot more than your plants (meaning money in court, tho your homeowner's may pay for your negligence).

At least try to work it out together. You may know more about plants and how to kill them and he may know more about just what is holding those boulders together...

You may find he's not really nasty (and vice versa) but rather is concerned about the problem and is doing what he thinks best.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Some neighbors are impossible to talk to. That's just the way they are!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I do know him....and he and the wife have been here for cocktails, etc....but I'm just hesitant to confront him! I'd rather not have ANYTHING that makes it hard to face them. So...I thought I could do something else.....

Southern, NJ(Zone 6b)


Re the colonoscopy - the prep is yucky and much worse than the procedure. I'd be surprised if anyone would give you general anaesthesia for it, but the "twilight" anaesthesias can really put you out just about the same. However, lots of people blab their heads off while under it and have no recollection of what they've said. You may want to swear the staff to secrecy... just in case that neighbor is still weighing on your mind. :)

Scott, LA(Zone 8b)

I hope that notgrnjean is teasing, because I would hate to think someone would try to talk you out of a procedure that could potentially save your life. I have had this procedure done both ways and I would ask my doctor to prescribe the pills for the prep over the liquid. I was knocked out both times and had no memory of the procedure or any pain. As far as talking while under, I doubt if it happens that often, and if the office is doing their job there will be no mention of it when you come to. I am sure that the doctor would fire an employee for divuldging anything that happens in the office. Please, do not let anyone scare you off of this very serious procedure, if I had not had this done I would not have known that I had a precancerous polyp. I know that I am repeating one of my earlier post but I thought it was worth repeating so that you know it is very important and you should not be intimidated by others. In my opinion everyone should have this done (men and women).

How's it going with your neighbor?

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

lilbit... Good advice bears repeating twice...sometimes more, huh? But...I didn't take motgrnjean's post to say that I should NOT have the procedure...just commenting in a comical way about the two options for avoiding the pain/discomfort. Thanks to both of you!

Well the tree has come back...grew through the black bag again....I'll just be diligent about cutting the leaves off...it can't keep growing without leaves and light, yes? I'll post a pic of the little bugger in a minute. The sprinkler is going there how so I'd get wet.

West Central, FL(Zone 9b)


Is the blackplastic you are using thick? If it's a garbage bag it won't work. It has to be thick plack plastic like they have at HD and you have to figure out how to cover it up on that wall so it gets no water, no light..... may not be possible. The Weed Dragon idea looks better and better and your neighbor sure won't set foot on your property after he sees you using that!lol
By all means once you have gotten rid of the thing make sure that the wall gets a good inspection and repair by a mason to make sure any missing mortar, cracks and crevices get handled so nothing else grows from in there!
In fact a good mason might just be able to get it out for you!

Michelle :)

Southern, NJ(Zone 6b)

Connie_W, that is the way I meant it. Honestly, the procedure itself was sort of nothing. I was embarassed in anticipation, but swiftly was in lala land before anything was done, including turning me into position. Was I totaly out? I have no idea because they were right, I had no memory after counting backwards or whatever it is they had me doing. I actually think a gyn exam is worse 'cause you have to be awake.

The doctor and staff will be very matter of fact and professional. That's a big help in reducing the embarassment factor. As to the prep you have to do at home... now that's something you don't want anyone around for!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Shella...it's a "dry stack" wall and the beauty of it is all the holes/cracks!!! I'll get a Weed Dragon!! Thanks for the suggestion!!

I'm not embarrassed at all...and would not be....I don't mind my gyn yearly thing at all. MY gyn is a friend of sorts and we just talk about mutual people/schools, etc!!!....just don't like pain!! :) I'll ask for the "half out of it" thing! Thanks for the encouragement!!!!!

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