Opinions, Please!!??

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I live on a hill. The people who live behind and above me have a "stacked" rock retaining wall made of boulders...each about the size of an ottoman. I have a 3 foot bed planted on MY property that abuts their wall. (I"ll include a picture.) I took out ugly, old oleander bushes and planted Will Fleming Yaupons and Cape Honeysuckle (not the vining type) as well as perr's and annuals. Spent a LOT of money. There is a Chinaberry tree that has volunteered and is growing between the boulders I've noticed him coming on MY property (his only access) with a Roundup squirt bottle. Today I looked and one of the Honeysuckles just below the Chinaberry is dying. I know his poison did it.

I think Roundup does not kill trees anyhow....yes?

I talk to his wife almost daily as we see one another but he seems to be a real "crusty" --ahem!-- "gentleman" and I really don't want to say anything, but.....?

I have tried to dig out the Chinaberry (very bushy...not like a tree, really) with no success....it's a hardy little sucker!!! I will try harder, because I don't want "neighbor" in my gardens with his Roundup again!

What should I do?

What should I do?

Thumbnail by Connie_G
Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

I'm trying to understand where your property ends and the neighbor's begins. Is the garden bed you are referring to immediately in front of the wall with the boulders or is it the bed shown in the forefront of your picture (with all the colorful flowers).

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Roundup will kill anything (including trees) as long as it is put on the top of the plant/tree. I have seen it used on huge lower limbs of pines. In one year the limb will sluff off dead. The tree itself is unaffected. If you have poison ivy climbing a wall, it will only kill if you can spray it on the top or cut the plant back and spray the top.
Your landscaping is beautiful and I can not imagine one being so hateful. I am sorry for your loss but have no reasonable suggestion in dealing with the neighbor... Sorry Connie

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Beaker, my property ends at the top bed with the columnar bushes and honeysuckle. The neighbor's property line is the top, large rock wall with the wrought-iron fence on top.

Thanks to both of you....I have not been able to get this out of my mind since I saw it today!!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Since he seems "unapproachable", I would talk to his wife, and just ask if there is a problem with your plantings. I would also explain that I "didn't like" Roundup, and would she please ask husband not to use it.

Sorry, I cannot imagine close neighbors, as we are on 27 acres, with not a house in sight, although we have neighbors.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

He was just trying to get rid of the Chinaberry, which could root out his wall, but I don't know why he would use Roundup close to where I have plants! And...why he would trespass without asking....

Defoecat...how nice! You can just start new beds with abandon!! Whooooie...that would be nice!!

Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)

I would buy a catapult. And more boulders. But that's just me....

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Greenjay....great idea!! I did think of posting a "No Trespassing" sign where I know he comes in. I'll soon have an 8 foot fence so I just can't see him scaling the wall.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Connie, I can do anything I like on my property. We do have neighbors, within a close distance, but the way the property is situated, cannot see another house. I LOVE IT. Cannot imagine having someone so close that I could watch them trespass on my property. The most excitement we have is if a neighbor's cows get out and get on our property.

Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)

At least the cows are considerate enough to leave some fertilizer.

West Central, FL(Zone 9b)

It is very hard for me to picture exactly how the tree is growing out of the boulder wall, but my experience with removing small to med size trees and shrubs that are tough with out poison is to use heat and darkness.

I cut or hack everything down to a small short stump then cover with a very thick black plastic drape and secure it. The heat, and lack of light eventually weaken or kill the stump to the point that it is easier to remove usually roots and all..... much easier. It takes a few weeks depending on how hot the sun is. This time of year it shouldn't take too long! But then again I don't know how easy this would be to do in this situation.

If I still can't get the stump out, I drill a hole or two in the remains and use the stump remover pellets in the holes. The pellets can take a long time to work though. I got them at HD I think. That only works if the stump is large enough to drill a hole or two into it.

He's probably totally unaware of the damage he's causing to your landscape as he only "sees" his own problem unfortunately. Tell his wife that the round up is getting into your bed because of the proximity and you want to help him get rid of his problem with out the use of the poison. Does she think he would mind your help?

The crustiest ones usually melt at the first compliment... tell him how nice his place is..how hard he works at keeping it up...etc.. etc.. then that you noticed the tree and the problem...and how you are sure he would not want any of his poison to damage your property....so you have something to try..... I'm sure you can melt that crusty's heart with a little neighborly charm!

Hope this helps you.

By the way your beds look beautiful!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Shella...what a good idea! I'm going to deal with it first thing tomorrow. I can take a plastic garbage bag and just weight it down with more rocks! (He never talks to me, but if he does, I'll try the "trick"!! :)

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

I agree with Shella - he probably doesn't have a clue that he's done something wrong. Another suggestion might be a Weed Dragon. It's a device that uses propane gas and produces a small flame to rid yourself of weeds and such.

Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)

and such. (Taking notes....)

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I agree with Shellabella. If it looks like you are taking care of it, he should be content to let you. If it's covered he has no real access to it anymore. If you see him you could feel him out by talking about how the tree would have been a big problem if it had gotten bigger. He will then either still be crusty or glad to have someone see it his way. Or worse, both!

Beaker's solution might be faster.

Good luck! Your plantings are beautiful!!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Ah...the Weed Dragon! I think I'll see if Home Depot has that!! Sounds like fun...something DH would like to carry around and use!!

Billyporter (I now know you're a female from another thread!!! haha) thanks for the compliment!!

I went out the am and cut what I could, then covered with the black plastic bag and weighted with stones. I coouldn't get to the part inside the wall...AND a huge rat or mole lives in there somewhere and I was scared to reach too far inside the little "cave"!!!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Laugh! I sure wouldn't stick my hand into a hole either!


Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I've decided not to say anything...it's not worth bad feelings with a close (very!!) neighbor from one 20. bush. I think if he comes over again and sees the plastic, he will realize I'm dealing with it, so he doesn't have to.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

If you and wife are on cordial terms, I would still mention something to her. Might be that there is another issue bothering him that you are totally unaware of (or maybe it's a health issue or something else that makes him be mad at the entire world). Passive aggressives just expect everybody to be mind readers, and of course, we're not.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Vossner...you know...the ironic thing about it is that MY DH is grumpy too...it's just his nature most of the time....and getting worse!! I don't like it, but am learning to live with it. You know that movie, "Grumpy Old Men" ?? I think someone should make the companion..."Sweet Old Women" haha

Fairmont, WV(Zone 6a)

How about "Grumpy Pushing-Middle-Aged Women"? Don't forget us. :)


Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Ha....I do know that Meno makes some women grumpy...but I honestly don't know any, and most of my friends are "of that age." Perhaps they just put their best foot forward for me! :)

Fairmont, WV(Zone 6a)

Oh, dear...I was a grumpy teenager...a grumpy twenty something...and now a grumpy late-thirties...how about those of us that are just intrinsically cranky? :)


Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I guess I'm just a cheery Pollyanna...we're all made different....Thank God!

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I don't have the sense to be otherwise, I am generally good natured. Blissfully ignorant here! : )))

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Pollyanna here! Lets play the glad game!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Do y'all think all "Pollyannas" see the glass as half full? I don't always...

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Key word is Podster's generally. I don't have much of a temper and prefer to be happy. But the glass isn't always half full either!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Good to hear that! My husband says, "How can you be such a happy person yet be pessimistic sometimes?" I just say I'm pragmatic...not pessimistic!!

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

More like realistic. Things I can't change, I deal with. Humor makes it easier.

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Hey, think of when you have to drink that stuff before surgery. Half empty is much better!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)


BTW...I know I originally asked about my neighbor, but now I have a new question...totally off topic but what tha' hay!! I just had my annual OB/GYN exam and my doc said I should have a first colonoscopy! YEWWWWWW
A friend told me that you have to be "put to sleep" to have this procedure done as it's so painful!!!!!!

Anyone had it...thoughts? Nightmares??? :)

Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)

They use good drugs. You won't be completely asleep, but you won't recall a thing. And that is for the best...

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I have resisted. You know it seems the AMA gets on a different bandwagon every few years. No doubt for our benefit buuuttttt.. First, pap test, next mammograms, PSA's for the testosterone challenged, now this. I protested as I have a HIGH deductible and this would be on me. They let me do a hemocult test instead. I am sure they will continue to press.

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

ooooooooooooooooooohhh could we take a topic twist here...

I don't think my thoughts on the medical industry belong on a polite website, though.

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

Connie, don't worry about the 'procedure', it's not that bad, just real embarrassing. They have drugs that will put you to sleep with no drowsiness afterwards. The worst part is drinking the prep stuff, google online for ideas to make it more palatable. I sucked on orange slices before each gulp. I think the reason you are put to sleep is due to the uncomfortableness (don't know if that's a word) of it. I found a woman dr which was easier for me. You'll be fine.

Midway, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm glad this subject came up actually. I am scared to death to have this done. I have been told I need to have the procedure just to be on the safe side.
I hope when I do have it done I will be asleep! I don't want to remember any of it! lol I haven't got up the nerve yet to even make the appt.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I suspect you can request total anesthesia...

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

My dr told me they don't do the 'twilight' any more, just the totally out. They had an anesthesiologist that kept me under the entire time, which I was totally grateful. I was in and out or should I say the dr was in and out (hahaha) in about an hour, that's all.

Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

My mother had a procedure to get rid of colon polyps, since they are sometimes precancerous. According to her, they didn't give her enough anesthesia, and she began to wake up before it was done, and it was extremely, excruciatingly painful. I know this because, although this happens some years back, she finds a way of somehow fitting just how horribly she suffered into just about every conversation I've had with her since.

And she's constantly after me to get a colonoscopy.


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