Buying from East Coast for someone in Portland OR, need help

Cross Lanes, WV(Zone 6b)


I friend of mine is buying a home just outside of Portland, Oregon and I would like to buy her a tree as a house warming gift. She said she needs something small/ornamental 10-15 ft. Any recommendations? I know what grows well here (WV), but I have no idea what the best tree would be there. She says she has area's of full sun or part shade she could plant in.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Lilacs, hydrangeas, azaleas, dogwood. Let the suggestions continue.

Cross Lanes, WV(Zone 6b)

I had thought of dogwood myself, any particular type that does well there?
I would like to stick with a tree form if possible.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

A cornus kousa instead of florida as the kousa are not affected by the anthracanose(spelled wrong) that the floridas are susceptible to.

Cross Lanes, WV(Zone 6b)

OH NO, I talked with my friend and on further inquiry, the area is full sun. I may just give her a shrub or a rose instead, it might be easier. Finding a small tree that takes full sun might not be so easy. Or, does anyone that lives in that area know of a good nursery I could get her a gift certificate for? That way she can just pick what she wants.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

where 'outside' of Portland is her new home?
And a dogwood would be ok in sun. Lots of trees would be ok.

This message was edited Aug 4, 2006 8:09 PM

Lebanon, OR

There are maples that only get 10-15' take full sun...wonderful trees


Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Any nice plant would be really nice, as it can be watched growing and everytime they see it they will think of you. Portland Nursery is a great place to shop in Portland.

Cross Lanes, WV(Zone 6b)

Lenjo, you got it exactly right. My husband and I bought a willow tree the first year we were married I love watching it grow. Sometimes we both look at it and see how big it has gotten and say to each other, wow, has it been that long. lol.

Anastatia, she buying in Vancouver, WA., I'm not sure what area of town though. I guess based on you, I can assume she is zone 8a.

Irisloverdee, can you give me the names of any of those maples, that might be a good alternative?

Tacoma, WA(Zone 8b)

If she is a plant nut, Cistus nursery has a lot of unusual tree choices. They do mail order and sell gift certificates.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Vancouver is across the river in Washington state, my territory. It is literally minutes away from Portland, Oregon. Do you know what side of Vancouver? Eastside or west?

Port Orchard, WA(Zone 8a)

faykoko, Oregon is the nursery stock capital of the USA, I guess it's because of the growing conditions, when I was driving around the Willamette Valley that's all you see are farms growing plants for the nursery trade. how about a gift certificate from Forest Farm in Williams, Oregon. I buy a lot Japanese Maples and perenials from them via their catalog, they have a huge selection, they haven't burned me yet, lol, hostajim1

Cross Lanes, WV(Zone 6b)

Anastatia, I'm not sure what area of Vancouver. She works at the corporate headquarters of the same company I work for RS medical. They're located at14001SE First Street, so I'm assuming she wouldn't move more than a half hour or so from there, but that could cover a large area. I've only been there 4-5 times over the last 4 years and haven't really been able to go out and see everything when I am there, but I've always been impressed with what you guys can grow out there. Next time out I really want to go to some of the gardens in Portland, like the Japanese garden and the Rose Garden. I hear they are impressive.

hostajim1, I didn't realize Forest Farms was right there. I think a gift certificate from there would be a great idea. Takes the pressure off me! Only thing is she is an inexperienced gardner and I would like to at least give her some suggestions of what might be easy to grow.

Herpst, I'll look at your nursery suggestion too. Again, I'm afraid to suggest anything too exotic, but somehow I think if I get her something really neat, she might want to get into gardening more. I'm always trying to convert people to the joys of landscaping lol.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

she is probably on the east side of Vancouver off the I 205 bridge. Is she a transplant from W.Va?

Cross Lanes, WV(Zone 6b)

no, I know her from work only, I think she was born and raised in Vancouver area

Tacoma, WA(Zone 8b)

Hostajim is right, Forest Farm is an amazing nursery! However, they are located in southern Oregon not the Portland area. They do great mail order, though.

Cross Lanes, WV(Zone 6b)

I've heard of Forest Farm and they have a good reputation, I was trying to find out how far it was from Vancouver, thanks for answering my question on that. Since she's new to gardening, if I get a gift certificate, I'd like to find something close to her so she could actually go look at the plants in person.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

"Shorty's" is on Mill Plain probably 1-2 miles from her on the eastside of town. It is a nursery w/ everything in the plant world including barkdust, compost, sand. The original Shorty's is north county but this new branch is great for that side of town.

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