Would Like To Start Adding Bugs, Have a Question 1st Please

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

I have some great (and fairly disgusting) close ups of Pine Sawfly Larvae. I figure it's a safe assumption that the sawfly is considered a bug. Is the larvae a "bug"? If so, do I enter it under Pine Sawfly and indicate on the photo that it's the larvae or do I enter it as Pine Sawfly Larvae? I'm guessing the former but wanted to be sure.


Edited to add that I love the new bug files, but when I first saw the tab appear on my menu bar I wondered why we were keeping track of the software "bugs". ; )

This message was edited Aug 3, 2006 1:51 AM

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

My thoughts would be that all stages of the lifecycle should be in the same entry for the appropriate genus and species.

Ken may have different thoughts though. I'm also interested in this answer.

Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

scutler, yes you should enter the larvae under the adult name. :)
If you do a search in Bug Files you find examples like Sphinx Moth and Monarch Butterfly etc . You will find the caterpillars as well as the adults.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Thank You both. I will look forward to adding closeups of the little "guys" this evening. : )

Churchill, Victoria, Australia(Zone 10a)

Just confirming that all stages of one species should form part of one entry in the BugFiles. Just as a PlantFiles entry may have pictures of seeds, seedlings, plant, flowers, seed pods etc.
Here is one fairly complete sequence from BugFiles:


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