Pics of your passies, please?

Katy, TX(Zone 8b)

How small if a "small" pot? very curious and kinda need to know.


Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Yes I have one but it did not develope any seed pods that I know of. It was done flowering a couple of months ago and seems to be going dormant now???

I expect to have passiflora foetida every where since I can not keep up with all the fruit it produces. (it is still flowering now!)

Here is a p. mexicanna picture

Thumbnail by Desertdenial5
Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Here is p. Foetida

Thumbnail by Desertdenial5
NE, KS(Zone 5b)

I have mine in at least a 16 in (across the top) pot. But that may be small to Paul! Marie, your pretty Mexicanna reminds me of one I lost..... Sunburst I think it was.... leaves were not "lobed" and had spots.. small flowers, this is the only pic I got (and kind of blurry), it was taken inside my garage last fall- the only blooms I got, then it didn't come back in Spring.... even though the blooms are small, I still like them.

Thumbnail by AuntB
Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Wow that is a beautiful little flower AuntB. I love my p.mexicanna it was covered in hundreds of tiny little flowers. I think mine is dying back in response to our really chilly nights. I am hoping it comes backin the spring.

This message was edited Nov 7, 2006 1:52 PM

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

My pot is 5 inches across 5 inches deep

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Oh my, that is small. Do you have to water everyday, Paul? I bet your Mexicanna comes back, Marie. I hate whacking stuff off, but if I don't, I wouldn't be able to enjoy it next year. It's a dirty job, but somebody HAS to do it, I'd rather it be me with the knife, cutting with love. Usually in September/ early Oct, if I'm lucky, just when everything is blooming so pretty! I put the Purple Haze on an arbor and Lavendar Lady I let ramble on the deck lattice..... usually buds and blooms when I whack..... I keep the other passies contained, but when it's time to whack the others, it's time to bring in the containers, also. I do have a brugmansia, leafless, blooming in the basement. Looks pretty pathetic, really. 2 blooms were open last night and it put out a sweet scent all through the basement. Poor thing, doesn't realize it's supposed to be having a "long" winters' nap..

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Thats how i got it to bloom at ten mnts root bound yup water every day

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Are you going to put it in the ground or repot, maybe in Spring? I bet it grows into a monster for you down there. I'm still in awe at Gaylams Ruby Glow (pic above), guess I'll try it again next spring... colo is so vibrant... but still I think my all round fav is Lady M....

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

ill plant it i just bought a place i close on friday it has land to

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Oh Paul, Congrats! LAND! Is it in the same area you live now? I mean you're certainly not moving to Michigan or Kansas and giving up your FL weather..? How exciting, will you put all your canna's and brugs and most everything in the ground?

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Has anyone started these from seed? I have the wild purple one but I would love to trade for L. Margaret seeds. LMK

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Any one know this one got it today at the flea market five bucks

Thumbnail by phicks
Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Here's today's bloom on my 'Clear Sky,' which I'm wintering over inside for the second winter this year. My experience so far has been that I get just as many blooms and growth from having it inside, in a south window as I did this summer and last, outside.

My 'Lady Margaret' has been a non-stop bloomer, both inside and out.

Thumbnail by kbaumle
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Wow - I love the brilliant colors! So vivid!

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Paul I think it's P. alato caerulea, every other petal is white, there might be another name for it... very robust plant and a heavy bloomer. Nice buy!

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Kbaumle, really? Mine do much better outside. Maybe you have higher light inside than I do. I'm always glad when I can get mine back outside in Spring. Very vivid pic, beautiful!

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh, our house is not bright at all. There are several things that I have problems with, due to the low light (pale color, small leaves, legginess), but this passiflora is not one of them!

Oh, and for the post way up 'Lady Margaret' does indeed have fuzzy leaves. The 'Clear Sky' has somewhat shiny leaves with no fuzz.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Hey MySharona
how are the seed pods ?

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Where did you guys buy these varieties?

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

I got my 'Clear Sky' at the Cleveland Flower Show last year, at the Lowe's booth. (Not the Lowe's chain, but a local nursery near Cleveland.) I got 'Lady Margaret' at our Lowe's (the chain).

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Paul - Just ran out to take a quick pic - here is one - all 3 are about the same size ((((giggle))))

Thumbnail by MySharona
Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Wow Nice

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Ooooooo, thanks for the link, Paul. Pretty!

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks Paul! They're beautiful!!!!

San Diego, CA

ok, i'm really lame and haven't followed the post here. I have a couple more pics to share with you all. First off, I got my first P. Galbana bloom a few weeks back, here it is:

Thumbnail by zostropz
San Diego, CA

Here is a new Hybrid from Europe, P. 'Monika Fischer"

Thumbnail by zostropz
San Diego, CA

and a better pic of that Passiflora Racemosa 'Buzios'

Thumbnail by zostropz
San Diego, CA

ok, here is another new one for this year, P. Retipetala.

Thumbnail by zostropz
San Diego, CA

here is Passiflora 'Witchcraft'

Thumbnail by zostropz
San Diego, CA

here is Passiflora Macrocarpa

Thumbnail by zostropz
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Mark ~ I'm so envious! They are all gorgeous! My Prissy bows to you!

Thumbnail by MySharona
NE, KS(Zone 5b)

WOW! They are gorgeous! Witchcraft is so dark and vivid! I like them ALL! Great photography too, Mark. Thanks for sharing, just beautiful!

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Does anyone have a few seeds for postage? I would like to try some that stay under 8ft.

wolverhampton, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)


This is my Empress Eugenie.


Thumbnail by alrac
Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

That is just gorgeous, Sue! I love the contrast from the creamy white.

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Wow, Sue, that's really floriferous!

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Mark your pictures are awesome. Makes me want to run out and buy a few more passie's

Norwalk, IA(Zone 5b)

Mark, Awesome pics, I'll take two of each!! :-)

I wish.


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