
Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

I had some volunteer cantelopes last year that actually made melons on their own by the end of last summer, but the frost finally got them. I planted some this June and the vines are lovely with loads of flowers and bees. I have very little experience with melons, however, I did get some watermelons started early this spring that did poorly and only produced 3 melons. They were heirloom watermelons and did not turn out well enough for me to consider trying them again even though I really raised them for their rind for "watermelon rind pickles". Another thing, I have no idea how to tell when melons are ripe enough to pick. I finally had to pick the last two the other day though due to heavy local rains as I did not want them to rot.

I know that all melons take very rich soil. However, having said that I don't think that Conroe is really "melon country". Is it worth me pursuing this any further at my location or are there any soil amendments that could help?



Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Don't know about Conroe, but Texas grows a lot of watermelons. They do need deep sandy soil, but they are not heavy feeders. Picking instructions have been covered ad nauseum in these two threads. Cantaloupes are heavier feeders but less picky about soil. They also turn loose of the vine when ripe.

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