Great Horned Owl

SC, MT(Zone 5a)

Last Saturday, I visited my brother and sister in law on their farm about a mile down the road. My sister in law told me that she and her daughter had seen three Great Horned Owls repeatedly down by the creek so we walked down there. I saw all three of them and began taking pictures. To my dismay, my camera batteries were very low but I did get one picture. I am going back to see if I can't get more one of these early evenings.

The owls are'ham's and don't fly away when we get near them with our cameras. We even found owl pellets in the area.

Thumbnail by BingsBell
Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Wow, I hope you get to go back for more.

Brainerd, MN

Those owls are really something to see. Lucky you.

Hico, TX(Zone 8a)

Great horned owls are very territorial - you are probably seeing a family:

"Families remain loosely associated during summer before young disperse in the autumn. Adults tend to remain near their breeding areas year-round while juveniles disperse widely, over 250 km (150 miles) in the autumn. "

They tend to breed in the same area year after year - be careful not to approach the babies if you see them. If found on the ground, they are still being taken care of by parents. Baby owls can be "imprinted" by humans who try to take care of them - they grow up thinking humans are owls and attack.

How exciting to have such beautiful, natural exterminators so close by - lucky you!

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Now .. THAT, is surely a wonderful treat! Appreciate your sharing with us.

They're some purtee big guys aren't they, Bing -?-

'Ditto' grampapa's post: please .. take a couply xtra sets of batteries with you the next time .. and hope you go back real soon, too.. we hope!

Haven't seen (noticed) your posting very much lately .. so, it's really good to 'see' you.


Sugar Land, TX(Zone 9a)

Beautiful owl! Wish I saw them down my way.

las vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

nice picture, this winter we were building the new high school in kalispell, had a hundred ton crane, saw a snowy owl perched on top in a wild wind. i wanted to go down to ronan mt to see all the snowy owls at the nine pipe resevoir. for some strange reason they had 50 or so that was very unusual. i've only seen two in my life

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I'm trying to identify a new owl here. Never heard it before. It's as large as a hoot owl and that's all we had time to see. I had been hearing it for a week or so and thought someone lost their parrot. It gives a single squawk. It waits a minute and gives another. They don't seem to move very far. It sits in the same spot across the road and I'll hear it there at various times in the night. One night there were three calling to each other. Possibly two males and a female. Never any other sound than a coarse squawk.

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