Dell Dimension 4600c fan failure

Northern Michigan, MI(Zone 5a)

Well we've been having a very hot muggy heat wave. The computer is shutting down and when you boot back up it is saying previous fan failure and thermal failure or thermal something or other.

From what I have been able to surf and find it appears I need to replace the fan inside. Anybody ever done this before ??? I just know once I "crack" the pc open there's no turning I also of course will have to find and order the part to reach the point of no return............

Any tips or advice ???

Actually I am using the pc now..... I moved the modem off the desktop and put it on the floor then set up a fan blowing on high on the back of it. So far it's been on about 30 minutes but I keep expecting it to die suddenly like it has several times today. I don't know if it was making any strange noises before it shut down the first time I was at work and my son was online playing games when it happened.

I don't want to pay for a new pc system if I can possibly fix this one.....


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