Tomato Hornworms

Beachwood, OH

Just checked my straw bales and I've got tomato hornworms in several of the plants. We picked off 4 big ones and 4 with the prasitic wasp eggs attached. The parasitized ones are very small and sluggish and barely moving.

So whats the organic way to get rid of them? Or is it in process with the wasps?

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

The wasps are doing it for you. Leave them be.

Beachwood, OH

We brought some home with tomato leaves for them to feed on so we could watch them.

What should I do about the hornworms that don't have the wasp eggs? I picked off all I could find - 4 is not that many for 20 tomato plants but who knows how many I missed. I really do not want to spray - I don't have any other tomato diseases as far as I can tell and I'm ok with the occasional worm hole - not a big deal.

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