Are there any Houston, Texas people here?

Plano, TX

I am wondering if anyone in Houston can tell me where I might be able to get a mango tree. I am looking for a ice cream mango (condo type).

Fulton, MO

JFREDT, I don't live in Texas, but...

I was interested in 'Ice Cream' and I called to order one from Pine Island Nursery in Florida. They have good stuff. The guy (owner, I presume) talked me out of 'Ice Cream' because he said that every time he shipped one, it dropped all of its leaves. He had complaints from customers about it. I bought 'Cogshall' instead and it is performing well.


Plano, TX

Thanks for the information. I have a friend coming up from Houston this week end and i thought they could bring it if I was able to find a place to get one. I'll keep looking--

League City, TX(Zone 9a)


I'm in Houston and there are many tropical palm spots that you can search for your mango tree.
Try the Houston Garden Centers

Houston, TX(Zone 10a)

Hi I'm on the NW side of Houston. I'll keep my eyes peeled for a mango tree...why not just get one at the store and plant the seed? That is what I did with my papayas...

Lakeland, FL(Zone 10a)

Mango trees take 6 years or more to fruit from seed. More importantly, however, the seeds do not grow to type, so the quality of the fruit is usually very different from the parent, and often is very poor.

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