My Corn is falling over! Any Ideas?

Lewiston, CA(Zone 7b)

I have a good sized corn patch & the corn is nearing tassel time & it keeps falling over (not all of it but stalks in the middle in different places & that knocks down others like dominoes). I first thought it was too much water so I watered only once a week, then it still did it & then I thought it was burrowing critters but don't see any sign of them & the roots are not eaten. This has got me stumped. I keep setting them up & putting stakes to hold them up & once they have been up for a while the stakes can be moved, & they stand on their own. Then others will be down, They are not droopy like lack of water, they just fall over from the ground. Most just bend at the roots & a few have actually broken at the root crown. They look healthy & growing like normal they just fall over. I have not actually seen this happen I just find them laying down. This just started happening about a month ago since they have gotten tall. This is the 4th year I have grown corn & have never had this problem before. This is a new area for them I have not grown corn in this spot before, the soil was tilled & amended a couple months before planting. I'd really like to get some ears out of them if I can keep them upright! Any ideas? Help! Hungry for fresh corn! Bj
They, as of yesterday were all still uprigh but if it happens again I can get a pic of it. It has happened 3 or 4 times in the last month.

Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

MY corn fell over, then I remembered, it wasnt planted as deeply as I had planted in the past. Did you plant the seeds deep enough?

Lewiston, CA(Zone 7b)

Yes, deeper than I ever had, I'm wondering if it isn't Crows, there have been a lot of them around, although there is nothing on them yet to eat???

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