Milk recipe for powdery mildew

Louisville, TN(Zone 7a)

I came across this on tinkers gardens website. the recipe is 1 part milk to 9 parts water. The article mentions that the brazilian scientist not only found it to be just as effective on the mildew, but that it also acted as a fertilizer on the leaves, boosting the immune system. Do this once a week to significantly reduce the powdery mildew on your plants by 90%. If you get too greedy and raise the concentrations past 30%, then your stuck with another fungus. They said to keep the milk concentration at 10%. I am trying it, I have plenty of mildew to experiment with! let me know how everyone does. Just think of the money we can save, now I can buy more expensive garden tools I dont really need!

Bloomingdale, NY(Zone 4a)

I used that method last year to reduce the powdery mildew on my squash, pumpkins and cukes. It was an effective way of controlling (not curing) it.

Here's a link to the research paper in PDF format


Perryville, AR

Mix the white of one egg with it and it will keep the deer and rabbits from eating your plants!

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