Funny Egg

Smithville, Canada

My PBR has been laying irregularly. The last couple days she has not layed an egg and today this is the one she layed.
Earlier after a few days of not laying she layed a 'two tone' egg with some rough area.

Thumbnail by Halnik
Potsdam, NY(Zone 4a)

Wow, that is strange. Is it a young hen? I never saw an egg quite like that. Hope you find out what is going on, Halnik. BAM

Smithville, Canada

She started laying last fall already. She's been very regular up until the last few weeks. I've gotten a rooster who has become her 'best friend'. They're together all the time now

Smithville, Canada

After the one 'break' in egg laying, I did find a 'membrane' with no shell on it. It had already broken open at some point - one of the other chickens was walking around with it. Then the PBR layed the 2 toned egg and then regular eggs for a few days and then took a 'break' again. It's been very hot here.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

She needs more calcium in her diet. Oyster shell, dried egg shells, etc. will put proper shells on the eggs.

Smithville, Canada

But after that she layed some perfect eggs for about a week, then she stopped for a couple days and then layed again. Could it be from the 'stress' of the rooster? She hasn't had a rooster around, before?

Claremore, OK(Zone 6a)

Mine layed a couple of strange looking eggs like that once. It was during a time when I was out of egg pellets and had to feed them just plain chicken feed..................not enough calcium. They really are sensitive to the amounts of calcium in their diets.

Antrim, NH

Halnik, this sounds like what my aracauna went through, and it turned out she had an ovaduct infection that ultimately killed her.She'd lay fine for a while, took breaks and sometimes layed just membranes or weirdo eggs. Keep an eye on her. She may be fine, she may just need some calcium, she may be on strike or on vacation, or love-lorne. :)

HOpefully it is one of those things :)

Smithville, Canada

I've put all the chickens back on chicken feed - some still need grower but they are close to being able to use layer feed - so I'm putting them all on layer. Hopefully that will fix her problem and it shouldn't hurt the others.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I use laying mash for the entire life of our poultry along with whole corn and milo and free range when they are old enough for that to be safe. Even as babies I shred carrots, apples, etc. and give them torn up greens and finely cut up grasses. Never have had a problem with them not growing.

Smithville, Canada

I was starting to give them chicken scratch and a few more 'leftovers' such us lettuce and carrot and such and that's when the problem seemed to start. They really liked the corn part of the 'scratch' so I don't know if she wasn't eating enough of the feed because of that or if it's just coincidence.

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