Moving cannas

Slidell, LA(Zone 8a)

I am new to cannas. When is a good time to move them? After they are finished blooming?Do I cut them completely down or do I leave some of the stake and leaves?
Seems like a dumb question.It is so hot here I don't know if they will resprout after moving them now. I guess it wouldn't make much difference because it will be some time before any frost.

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

I'm no expert by no means but I am moving cannas now. What liitle I know I have found them to be hardy transplanters. I've been moving some just about every day. Both blooming and non-blooming have transplanted Ok for me. I use a spade and cut down into large clumps then replant elsewhere. The ones with the bloom went limp and I finally cut that scape off. Kept watering everyday and now there's new shoots and blooms. Some of the older leaves "pouted" so I cut those off so the plant wouldn't have to put energy into them.

I even burned off an area around a fishing pond where I had transplanted cannas to other areas. There must have been a sliver of rhizone in the ground because new canna shoots that I didn't know were there have been surprising me the last couple of days!

Slidell, LA(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the info Deborah. Now I know what I'll be doing on my day this week.

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