Ever hear of Spanish Empire?

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Hydrangea80 and I went to an iris sale today sponsored by the local Iris Society. I came away with a SDB labeled as Spanish Empire. The description says by C. Palmer, 1990.

So I figure I can look it up on DG, right? Wrong! There's no such iris in PF. So I do a Google image search. Nothing. I don't know what it looks like. Do you suppose it's mislabeled and there is no such thing?

What in the world do you suppose I got that's "Standards very pale lemon-yellow. Falls white with palest infusion of yellow. Yellow veined halfs. 13" Late season." Sounds good, but I want to have the right name. What do you think? Does anyone have a picture?

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Ther is such a thing. LOL Here's the description from AIS.


(Cleo Palmer, R. 1989). Sdlg. 8863. SDB 13" (33 cm) L.
"S. very pale lemon yellow; F. white with palest infusion of yellow, yellow-veined hafts; yellow beard tipped pale blue. 8236: (Velvet Pride x (Daisy sib x unknown)) X 8225: (Crescent Moon x unknown). Palmer's Iris 1990. "

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Oh, good, thanks Joan! Glad to know it's not misnamed. I already have enough trouble with that! If anyone finds a picture, please post it. Otherwise I'll have to wait until next year to see what it looks like. :-)

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

It was bred in My state of Oklahoma ,
which means if it grew well here you can grow in in hades and it will thrive .
with our nasty heat and changable weather we breed some tough and pretty iris ,

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

With our recent 100+ degree weather, they should love it here! Thanks for the info. :-)

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