Where did I go wrong?

Citra, FL

You know, you get these little baby bananas, and you plant them, and you try and raise them right. You teach them to be good garden plants, to be respectful of the plants around them, not to crowd others, not to hog all the water, to share the fertilizer. You try and teach them manners and morals and whats right in this world. You watch over them as best as you can and try and keep them out of trouble. You try and make them as strong and as pretty as you can...

Thumbnail by halo
Citra, FL

But....you cant watch them every second of every day. And sometimes they do wander, and get in trouble, you just cant help it. Its how it is in the world now...wouldnt you know I went to cuddle and sweet talk my Ice Cream and I found THIS!!!

Thumbnail by halo
Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

Did you tell it not to have children till it was married?

Chicago, IL

Hah! Can't trust these hussies, can you? LOL.
Beautiful photos, halo

Orlando, FL

Yea,babies send me one. haha I have the big ones and they grow babies like crazy. One of the stalks has a hand on it now and I put one dwarf variety unknown under them and had one that was dying after having bannas on it before well it fell over and smashed the dwaf flat..boo hoo but they are pretty hardy so I imagine it will come back. Yours looks as good as mine so I wouldnt worry but they seem to like a good bit of water to make them bear. Fran

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