Here's my garden!

Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

Most of the plants you see are potato plants. I have a couple zucchini in the center and to the left. And a couple sad but still living broccoli.

Not too bad, I think, considering I was only able to start planting Memorial Day weekend.

Thumbnail by White_Hydrangea
Clairton, PA(Zone 6a)

Not bad, indeed, considering your short growing season in 5a. I started my garden over Memorial Day weekend, too. Next year, I'll start earlier.

Central, UT(Zone 5b)

That looks very nice. Memorial Day is also a benchmark of when to plant or have your garden planted by for my family. Myself and my brothers and sisters planted our parents garden Memorial Day weekend this year. I'm a bit jealous because they already have cucumbers and I'm still waiting. Not sure what's up with that other than I've had bug problems this year. Looks like your potatoes are doing well. That's something I still haven't tried yet.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Say, that looks good. Better than my first garden.
It might help it if you put a mulch over it. In our dry Rocky Mountain climate, a mulch keeps the water in and, if it is the kind that decomposes, it feeds the soil. Plastic mulch, the kind with holes in it would be good. Mulches also keep the weeds down. Plastic mulches warm the soil for crops like tomatoes. Also a lot of people here like pecan shells. They look nice and slowly decompose and improve the soil. Not sure I would put plastic mulch on potatoes. Straw is great, but I find it brings weeds with it. It depends on how willing you are to pull weeds!
Still, everything is alive and well. You have made a great start!

Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

I got some biodegradable black mulch mat the other day. I want to put it on another raised bed to keep some of the weeds down. I figure then I can cut holes into it to put the transplants or seedlings. I might also try it around my potatoes and zucchini to keep weeds down and critters out. The only thing I would worry about is that with our high temps, the mulch might warm the soil too much. I would prefer to bake my potatoes myself, thank you!

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I too am concerned about putting it on your potatoes. Maybe someone else on the forum knows if that works. Straw is good on potatoes, though.

Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

I took the last of the garden cloches off my plants today. The two potatoes looked quite limp underneath them. The zucchini looked okay, but I took it off just in case.

Now they're naked to the elements.

You can't really see it from the picture, but my two broccoli plants actually survived the flea beetle attack, and they're putting out new leaves. But now I'm wondering if it's too late for them, and too hot, and they'll just bolt without growing any broccoli heads.

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