Ouch! Yellow jacket sting help?

Thomson, GA

I was just out planting some hostas and I should have known better. I had seen some yellow jackets buzzing about, but I was trying to beat the thunderstorm we are obviously not going to get now. The sucker bit me on my thigh and hurts like #@%&!~!! Anyone know any home remedies that will take the sting out? Rascal had to know I'm a UGA fan.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

old one is meat tenderizer mixed with water to make a paste.

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

I remember my granny would use wet tobacco from a cigarette to rub on the spot to take the sting out.

Barnesville, GA(Zone 7b)

Another quick fix is plain old ammonia........really takes the sting out!!

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

white vinegar

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Wet the area and pour salt on it. I'm a day late but I keep the little packets of salt handy on the porch, in the car, etc I'm highly allergic to any kind of sting but if I put salt on it IMMEDIATELY there is zero damage.


Thomson, GA

Wow, I will definitely keep all these remedies handy in the future. I reached way back in the recesses of my mind and remembered when we were camping decades ago and I stepped on a half-dead yj that had been swatted, stung the bottom of my foot. A friend camping with us told me the tobacco thing, and it worked really well then. I might have waited a little too long last night but it didn't much to help and it's still red and tender today. Either that, or it would have been a lot worse without it!! I'll live. Thanks for all the help, tho!

Comer, GA(Zone 7b)

BEST remedy I can guarrantee it........ cut a whitr onion in half and apply the cut side to the bite/sting within 20 minutes the swelling is gone and no pain. however if your allergic benedryl right away

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

I tried all ,but salt, but nothing beats a wet dirt dobber nest, applied to war wond.BTW, your yellow jackets are a little early, aren't they?

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

The sting will disappear in an hour or earlier so by the time you round up some remedies the sting will be over, but if you have any allergy tendencies you might take some Benadryl.

The worst sting for me are pack saddles (or saddleback for some folks) - feels like ten yellowjacket stings.

I heard urine works for jellyfish stings - I wonder if it'd work for ....... Nah!

Thomson, GA

LOL, look at the post date, mqiq77, it was the end of July of last year, but I appreciate the suggestions for use in the future! Thanks all!

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Someone emailed me this today!

> A couple of weeks ago I was unfortunate enough to get stung by both a
>bee and hornet while working in the garden. My arm swelled up, so off to
>the doctor I went. The clinic gave me cream and an antihistamine.
> The next day the swelling was getting progressively worse so off to my
>regular doctor I went. Infected arm - needed an antibiotic. What was
>interesting is what the Dr. told me. The next time you get stung put a
>penny on the bite for 15 minutes. I thought, wow next time
>(if there ever is one) I will try it.
> Well that night Shelley's niece got stung by two bees. When she came
>over to swim I looked at the bite and it had already started to swell. So
>off I went to get my money.
> Taped a penny to her arm for 15 minutes. The next morning, there was no
>sign of a bite. Wow were we surprised. Her niece, we decided just wasn't
>allergic to the sting.
> Well guess what happened again on Saturday night. I was helping
>Shelley dead head her flowers and guess what, you are right, I got bit
>again two times by a hornet on my left hand. Was I ticked I thought here I
>go again having to go to the doctor for yet another antibiotic.
> Well I promptly went into the house, again got my money out and taped
>two pennies to my bites and then sat and sulked for 15 minutes. The penny
>took the string out of the bite immediately. I still wasn't sure what was
>going to happen.
> In the meantime the hornets were attacking Shelley and she got bit on
>the thumb. Again the penny. The next morning I could only see the spot
>where he had got me. No redness, no swelling. Went over the see Shelley
>and hers was the same. Couldn't even tell where she got bit. Then Shelley
>got stung again on Monday night on her back cutting the grass. This penny
>thing is going to make us money at school. Again it worked.
>Just wanted to share the marvelous information in case any of you are
>experiencing the same problem at home. The Dr. said somehow the copper in
>the penny counteracts the
>bite. would never had believed it. But it definitely does work.

Thomson, GA

Amazing, I will definitely keep that in mind. I know we love our pollen spreading beneficial insects, but I think I would have to get out the old Wasp & Hornet spray after all those episodes! You have far more control than I, for sure.

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