Sad News for our Carmen (Pins2006)

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Thank-you for letting us know Violabird. Carmen and I have been sharing our gardens for the last 5 years or so. She is dear to me. Such a lovely, beautiful person.


Lilburn, GA

thank you Vi.

Pins is one of those peeps you fall in love with instantly.
she is great!

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

I had hoped you all would want to know. Looks like she has touched the lives of many incuding mine. She's in for 2 more MRI's today, for her brain and back. She has such a wonderful family behind her but I know can use all the prayers we can muster. It's just so hard to understand why she has to go thru this again!

To see what she's been up to lately, check her homepage, I'm so proud of her starting her own business!

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