Is Anything In Your Veggie Garden Producing????

Waycross, GA(Zone 8a)

Hi. I'm in Waycross, which I think might be the hottest area in Georgia sometimes - ex. it is now 2:10 pm, "real" temp of 97 degrees, heat index of 105.........Anyway, between the drought and the temps, the ONLY things producing in my veggie garden are okra (naturally) and my eggplants. A few tomatoes here and there. All the cukes, summer squash, spaghetti squash, beans, and even canteloupe have quit!!!!! I want to replant the cucumbers, beans and squash, but I'm afraid that if I do, they'll either not produce, or worse, not even come up. Should I wait a while longer?

Last year I didn't have this "problem" because we had so MUCH rain, that it drowned everything! I raised my area this year and now it's parched. Help!!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!!

Oh, BTW, my herbs (except for the cilantro) are loving this heat. I just have to pinch my basil back daily to keep it from going to flower/seed.

I live in downtown Atlanta, amongst the reflective masses of concrete. There have been many days that I'm sure our heat index has been in the 100's. Eggplants and yard long beans are producing with no problems. I had oodles of tomatoes not quite ripe, and they are all ripening nicely. Cherry tomatoes "Sweet 100" are still producing with no problems. At church the hot and sweet peppers are producing, but the sweet peppers are dry in texture due to the drought.
As long as I am watering the pattypan squash, she too still produces but few and far between.


Barnesville, GA(Zone 7b)

We have been fortunate to have a "bumper" crop this year..........after 7 yrs of gardening in this 40'x40' plot the soil is very rich and we only used lime, manure and bone meal when planting and haven't fertilized it since. We used seeds for squash,cucumbers, pole beans, peas and limas. We did buy plants of tomatoes, bell peppers and hot peppers. We've been able to keep it watered since we're in the country and have our own well. The corn was devastated by the squirrels..........they had a garden party!! So far have canned pickles, tomatoes, pole beans.............yay!! DH is happy seeing less $$$$ spent in the grocery store.

I have had a bumper crop of sweet 100's and they are still coming in. I'm still getting a few other tomatoes here and there, but had to pull up 3 or 4 plants due to the drout at the beginning of the season. My cucumbers are just about done in, but I have a pile of pablano peppers yet to harvest. My herbs have done remarkablely well ... all except for the basil. Go figure! LOL Of course the cilantro and dill are long gone.

edited for typo.

This message was edited Jul 30, 2006 10:54 AM

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

My cukes are doing just great after a very slow start but although the squash (zuchinni and crookneck) have lovely foliage, not a veggie on them at all :( Eggplant already produced one meal, and my peppers are doing rather well: cayenne the best, then the green peppers and now the banana peppers are flowering but no fruits yet. One tomato has maters on it, the others were sown much later but have some flowers. Basil has been prolific at going to seed, but sage, thyme, rosemary, oregano, marjoram (kinda puny), and pineapple sage are all doing quite well. My "one melon" watermelons have each produced one small melon too. The bronze fennel was lovely this year, and kept my yard full of bee buddies. Broccoli and spinach are struggling, pak choi still the size it was when transplanted :/

I've started new babies for spinach and broccoli, basil, marjoram, chamomile and mint.

I'm longing most for tomatoes, and I sure hope I chose some good ones!


Waycross, GA(Zone 8a)

Wow! Sounds like we're all suffering from the heat and dought. I'm going to wait about three more weeks and try to replant, as I feel like I should be able to get in another crop of squash, cucumbers and bush beans in. I'd like to find some more tomato plants, but I can't find a source for any veggie plants right now.

Try to stay cool, and remind me about this summer when I start fussing about the cold weather in February.......

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