Do I?.....

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

owe anybody irises that I might have forgotten about? Please just keep your replies in this thread so I can keep them straight! Do I owe anybody ANYTHING?!!!!!!
Edited to add: I apologize to anyone that I might have forgotten...the past few months have just been chaotic but now slowing down enough so that I can get some things straight!

This message was edited Jul 25, 2006 5:48 PM

Grand Rapids, MI


Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Yes Cecil, did you get the list I sent you? To make it easy, just send me whatever you have an excess of. Thanks buddy!

Grand Rapids, MI


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Weegy, I was just about to Dmail you, but I figured I'd post here instead so you had everything in one thread...

Nancy (nminmd) gave me so many purple irises last weekend!! I trimmed, bleached, etc. 5 or 6 grocery bags of them.... wow!! I sent a bag home with my mother, and I have about 4 dozen more rhizomes that I'm planning to give to various folks, which leaves me with a big box (about half) of the ones with nice fans plus a big pile of "mothers" with little sprouts.

Anyway, with the abundance that I now have to get planted out, I'm thinking that there is no need for you to box up any for me and ship them across the country! Please let somebody else have mine. :-)

I'm keeping your entry in my trade tracker, hope I'll be able to get a box of african violets and maybe also scented geraniums (cuttings, at least) to you when the weather cools a bit. I know some folks are still sending AVs in this heat, but it seems risky to me no matter how much insulation you put in the box. We'll figure it out after you're done dealing with these iris boxes -- what an undertaking!!

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Ok, critter, thanks for letting me know. I'll start digging my unmarked ones in a week or 2 and will get them shipped off to those who sent postage already. Will have a bunch left after so if I owe anyone any, please let me know. I don't want to miss anyone and if I do, I apologize.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Those of you who sent me postage for purple and white unnamed irises, I haven't forgotten you. I'm finishing up my customers orders this week and will start digging and shipping to you next week. Thanks for your patience all.

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