My Little Cryptanthus Collection

Mandeville, LA(Zone 9a)

I know these are nothing unusual but I have some pups I'd like to trade for other varieties. A list is posted on the bromeliad forum. Aren't they pretty???? I love them!

Thumbnail by NematanthusNut
Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

i love them! the one in the back is amazing!


Mandeville, LA(Zone 9a)

Thanks. Would you believe I found that one at Home Depot? I want more!

Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

WOW, those are amazing....

Will you guys STOP showing me more things i can buy...your killing me and my checking account :P


Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)


You've got some really great ones, NemanthusNut. ; )

Mandeville, LA(Zone 9a)

Thanks. They are just so colorful. Hard to resist. And Char...they're not expensive so you can load up!

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Beautiful collection!


Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Great collection!


Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

Lookie what i found on ebay

however i was wondering if Cryptanthus are Bromeliads..cause if they are i can't grow them..they die on me everytime :o(


Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

Using distilled water helps. ; )

Also, perhaps you buy them in bloom? Bromelaids die shortly after they bloom but should pup first. ; )

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

By the way, the link just says the item was removed. ; ( Couldn't see it.

Mandeville, LA(Zone 9a)

All but one of these bloomed after I bought them. The blooms are really insignificant. Just small white flowers. The big one at the top, which I think is called 'Elaine', has pups coming from the base but hasn't ever bloomed. If you really want to go crazy, go to She also sells on ebay and currently has several listings there. I tried to place an order via their website last night but there seemed to be a problem with the checkout process. Very nice people though. Retired couple and all they do is broms. They travel to shows and sell on internet. No on site sales. Too bad because they're really close to where I live and I'd LOVE to go see their plants!

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Wow, those *are* beautiful....I have a tiny baby of one pictured, and a larger one of the white/green one you have pictured in the front/center.

Char...if you have enough light, these are actually *the easiest* Bromeliad to grow indoors, as they're terrestrial....meaning they're *meant* to grow in soil and don't need the watering of the central 'cup' as other bromeliads do.
(I'd had trouble in the past with that just doesn't work for me indoors so I only water the soil and occasionally 'mist' the center).

You've got to try one, (LOL!) and NN is right, they're usually rather inexpensive, especially at Home Depot (I am about due for a trip there...haven't been there in over a year and used to visit several times a year!)

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

sorry, NemanthusNut- I was referring to the bromelaids sold in stores with those bright red bracts.

Mandeville, LA(Zone 9a)

That's why I like these. They are so colorful even without the bloom. And, they are smaller. So you have room for more....and more...and......

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

lol I like these better, too. ; ) They're also pretty tolerant of abuse.

Mandeville, LA(Zone 9a)

I finally got that order placed so, more to come! And you are right...they are easy. These spent the winter quite content to sit in my diningroom window. They lost a little of their color but as soon as I put them back out for the summer they brightened up. Watering was easy as I just put everyone in the bath tub and turned on the shower.

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