Seed Pods

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

These seed pods are from the yellow canna Flaccida. The seed pods in the white net are cross polinated with a vivid red canna. The ones in the red are regular Flaccida. paul

Thumbnail by phicks
San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Paul are there cultivars of cannas that wont cross with each other, like brugs and dats. I have noticed that a lot of my cannas are not producing seeds, how common is it for the cannas to produce seed without our intervention?

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Good question. I too would like to know because I also have cannas that don't produce seed pods that look as big as in Paul's pix.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

lots of cannas dont make seeds mostly its the hybrids that dont . lots of the hybrids have been crossed so many times it chances there reroducion abilty . all species cannas make seeds some hybrid will make seeds to .many cannas make seed pods but no seeds . but with cannas never say never iv seen some cannas that are not supose to make seeds make seeds . paul

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