I am a wimp, to much heat

Beaverton, OR(Zone 8a)

I am a wimp, I hate this hot weather. My plants survived being dug up and replanted during the June heat wave, high 103. However this 108 and 105, etc and hot nights are doing them in. My lilies , hydrangea etc are scorched along with many others that do not get but a hour or two of sun . The blooms are dying on every plant that is in the full sun. I have a little rose bush ( 15 years old) that I love because it never gets black spots or aphids and is covered with blooms from spring to fall. I brought it with me from my other home and this is the first time I have seen all the blooms die from the heat.

My sister is visiting later this week and I was excited to show her my garden. The previous owners left us with large trees and shrubs but the flower beds were bark dust or Pine needles. So my garden is only 1 ½ years old but we have planted hundreds of plants. At least the plants under the pine trees are nice and green even though they are planted in clay and between tree roots. However most of them do not flower or flower in winter or early spring.

We water and water but even the grass has brown patches. My son and family live in Florida and it gets miserable hot. However he says it pours down every afternoon in the summer and the flowers do great. I wish the few sprinkles be had the other day would have been a nice heavy rain. At this rate hubby will need a second job to pay the water bill. LOL

Well at least I am lucky my home and car both have AC.

Marysville, WA

You are NOT wimp, well, if you are, I am right there beside you!!! Its about 3pm, and its 97 outside, 85 upstairs, and 71 near the A/C. This will be the fourth straight day of record breaking heat here!! :( I have had ENOUGH

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

well up here in Kodiak Alaska it is 53 F and has rained for about 8 days steady. Today the clouds thinned a little but all overcast. Ahhhhhhhhh. I hate to see my garden in Montana. Hope the irrigation is holding up.

Tacoma, WA(Zone 8b)

Thanks, Soferdig! My neice in Wasilla was complaining about the heat there. It was 70 in the shade...ooh. She maintains, however, that it feels warmer because Alaska is closer to the sun in the summer. I think she's full of it.
So, Sofer, how do you split your time between AK & MT? (two weeks in AK/Week in MT, etc.)

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Yep I work hard up here and then go home and garden, ski, sail, and canoe. Life is tough. I'm so glad I missed the summer heat. Both times when it was hot in May and now.

Oakland, OR(Zone 8a)

Add me to the Northwestern Wimp Society. It was bad enough while the AC in my van worked but now - yikes. Especially as we have been having record heat of 106. I am almost looking forward to winter. Dotti

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

I haven't even been sleeping well much less doing much besides work. I'll join the NW heat wimp society.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Flash Today in Kodiak Alaska: We started the day at 48F and have a continual drizzle to wake us this morning. It is cool in my office as I stare out at the cool and grey wisps passing my window. Ahhhhhhh

Tacoma, WA(Zone 8b)

Flashing again Soferdig? Kodiak bear got ya cornered or is this just some sort of hobby for you?:) Tacoma got a marine layer at about 3:00 a.m. with a nice little cool breeze. Didn't burn off until about 12:00 ahhhh....

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

A chilly 53 on the deck this a.m. We have no stinkin' marine layer out here: started out sunny, remains sunny; I'm sick of sunny. If a cloud ever goes by I'm reaching for the camera to capture the moment. At least it isn't so beastly hot today.

Marysville, WA

Marking THIS down on my calander "I'm sick of sunny" as a RED LETTER day. Never thought I see the day. Wait, lemme check and see if a certain place has frozen over.

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

soferdig, are you home yet or still in AK. It must be hot in your Montana home too. Altho the weather here broke???, This morning woke up to 50 degrees. However there is still lots of smoke to the west from the Tripod fire near Concunully. Had ash everywhere in my yard for a couple of days.

However have not noticed too much leaf burn when I went outside a few minutes each day to irrigate. Am having a hard time trying to keep everything wet enough to grow. Only have two like 50 foot round areas of lawn at front and back of house , just enough to set of the flowers. Much rather have flowers, shrubs and trees.

Now if it would just rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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