Want to hide this!!!!!!!!!

Wichita, KS(Zone 6a)

This is a pipe that comes for our basement. I would like to hide it. Any Ideal? The picture way take at 3:00 pm. This is the north side of the house. No sun!!!!! Can build something, can grow something, I'll do just about anything but ivy!!!!!!! Help! Are there any shade vines that would work?

Thumbnail by ghia_girl
Wichita, KS(Zone 6a)

This is another pic, side view

Thumbnail by ghia_girl
Tucson, AZ(Zone 9a)

I'd say any type of pretty climbing vine that grows well in your area would be nice. But I'd be careful as to not block access to the pipe incase there were ever any repairs needed on the pipe itself.

New Port Richey, FL(Zone 9b)

First finish painting the trim and at the same time paint the pipe the same color as the house.Then you could encase the pipe in lattice on three sides .If you like butterfly's you could plant Passion vine or pipe vine.You could even plant ediable passion fruit.You could make a butterfly garden right there in that flower bed the pipes in now.Just a thought.

Monon, IN

Hmmm...that's using your head, donlaclair. Sounds like a good plan.

I had been thinking about Climbing Hydrangea, which will grow in shade, but could not imagine it being able to do anything on a pipe. And putting it on an enclosed lattice might not work either because of how big and strong and tall climbing hydrangea can get.

I agree, ghia_girl---NOT ivy! Ivy just doesn't appeal to me much, except growing on the wall of an "Ivy League" college building. And it will keep a person VERY busy keeping it within bounds.

Another no-no---Vinca Major, Vinca Minor's big brother. It is a rampant ground cover/vine that seldom blooms and is, if not highly invasive, a great deal of trouble to keep out of places it does not belong.

Wichita, KS(Zone 6a)

It got to hot to finsh the painting, good eye!! I was alway under the impression that passion vine were an annual in my area. However, after looking I found that Blue Passion Flower(Passiflora caerulea) may be a little hardier than others. Does it not need full sun?

New Port Richey, FL(Zone 9b)

I didn't think about your zone.You may be just out of it's zone.I think zone 6 is the farthest north.But there are plenty of other things.Maybe you could do another post in the vines and climber forum for zone 5 shade vines suggestions.There so many sharp people here at DG someone will come up with something that will strike your fancy.
Good Luck

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Hi, I have a couple of electrical pipes that run the length of my house to our spa. I too wanted to hide them and did so with a combination of wisteria and red trumpet vine. They haven't completely hidden them yet, but they're on their way. The wisteria drops it's leaves in the fall but the trumpet stays nice and green - at least here, you'd have to check for your zone. Here's a photo. Good luck! Christina

Thumbnail by cnswift
Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

hi, i too have a similar situation and want a shade to light shade vine.... but i have an idea for your area. it appears that it is at the back - side of your home. i liked don's idea of the latice around it, but if you can't find a vine, how about adding a small potting bench around it or to the side? you could use the latice area for hanging tools on and above your reach, you could start a collection of butterflies. you could also, if you or someone you know is crafty, paint a simple vine onto the latice.

or something even more fanciful would be to make a box around the pipe and make it look like a chimney, weather with real or fake brick or stone. then you could make a small cottage or dwarf/fairy home at the bottom. it doesn't need to be really deep or large, because neither dwarfs or fairies are big. oh i like that idea, i gotta find me a little house for one of my garden beds. :-) anyways, you could have lots of fun with something like that.
debi z and my little gardening doggi franklin
p.s. i just was going to ask you if you were snow white? but...seeing your from kansas, you might want to have yourself a munchkin home and a yellow brick path to it. :-)

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Awe, I like the munchin idea! (franklin, was that your idea?) How bout sweet autumn clematis? Grows in shade, blooms in late summer/early fall and smells wonderful! You cut it back sharply in early spring and they grow fairly good the 1st season and like gangbusters after that. You'd need to cover the pipe with something for it to climb on. I live just NE of Emporia, KS and I'm a zone lower than you. My passion vine did return this year but is very stragley and slow growing, it's not even 3ft, yet. I also wouldn't plant trumpet vine as you will be fighting it the rest of the time you own the home. Maybe there's a morning glory for shade? (doubt it)... Let us know what you come up with... There are the long thin "panels" of netting or lattice like plastic that are supposed fit around the down spout thingy, maybe that would work.... I'll google and try to find a pic...

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

If you want another idea, how about building a fake chimney? If you have the ability of course, if not vine ideas above sound great! :)

I think you need a purple martin house at the top of that pipe. Wondering if you can make vent holes along the pipe sides and put the house on the top of it. Does the pipe gas fumes from the basement?

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