How much room in pen for ducks/geese?

Theresa, NY

I'm wanting to get about 15 ducks or geese this coming spring and was wondering.... How much room/sq. feet of area would I need for a permanant house and run? I cannot let them have free run as I live very close to highway and have close neighbors. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'd like to start construction as soon as possible.

Also, what breeds are tolerant of confinement and are tame and quiet? I was interested in Cayuga, Blue Swedish and White crested ducks and possibly a couple geese. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance :)

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I've looked in a couple of my books and don't find a size given. Much will depend on the size and breeds of birds. Try going to and post there. Many of those people are experts because they make at least part of their living with poultry or raise show birds.

Theresa, NY

Thank you so much for the link, going to check it out now.

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